Final Boarding Call
by Stefani Kuo
Final Boarding Call tells the stories of the current Hong Kong protests. The play, written in Cantonese, Mandarin, and English, revolves around seven characters in Hong Kong. From extremist Hong Kong vigilante to Mainland Chinese mother, the play begins with a flight, a brief entrance into the Hong Kong protests and how the violence sensationalised by the news affects the daily lives of Hong Kongers in the city...
Final Boarding Call tells the stories of the current Hong Kong protests. The play, written in Cantonese, Mandarin, and English, revolves around seven characters in Hong Kong. From extremist Hong Kong vigilante to Mainland Chinese mother, the play begins with a flight, a brief entrance into the Hong Kong protests and how the violence sensationalised by the news affects the daily lives of Hong Kongers in the city. But it ends in a stalemate, an unpredictable future that we are living in now. This is a play about ordinary Hong Kongers. It is a story of war, of desperation, and the fight for freedom. These people are real, they are still fighting, and their stories deserve to be told.
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