Angels Theatre Company

Angels Theatre Company

Angels Theatre Company is a professional non-profit Theatre Company in Lincoln, NE engaged in the creation, development, and production of new plays

Angels Theatre Company creates engaging theatre to promote artistic growth, foster community relationships, and raise social awareness. With an emphasis on promoting new work, we nurture and celebrate theatre artists while engaging our community in...
Angels Theatre Company is a professional non-profit Theatre Company in Lincoln, NE engaged in the creation, development, and production of new plays

Angels Theatre Company creates engaging theatre to promote artistic growth, foster community relationships, and raise social awareness. With an emphasis on promoting new work, we nurture and celebrate theatre artists while engaging our community in quality live theatre. We strive to create an inclusive company, filled with diverse viewpoints, so that we can tell stories and amplify voices that deserve to be heard.

Recommended by Angels Theatre Company

  • 1000 Miles
    5 May. 2024
    Selected for 2023-24 Salon Reading Series - Angels Theatre Co.
    In 1000 Miles, Vanessa Garcia sets her story of immigration and refugees in a fictional and fantastical land. This saves Garcia from allusions or direct commentary of a specific refugee crisis (or crises) in our world. It also allows the human story to resonate powerfully. It’s a clever strategy, and effective in opening our hearts to characters bound together in a world that tries to separate them. Highly recommended.
  • Man & Wife
    5 May. 2024
    *Selected for 2023-24 Salon Reading Series - Angels Theatre Co.
    The starting point for Emma Goldman-Sherman’s play is the top of a wedding cake. We begin full of hope, unconcerned about the road ahead. But, too quickly, the rough patches heat up and the allegory of Man & Wife starts to resemble something larger and more tenuous - The story of a marriage or a country? Goldman-Sherman is known for packing her plays with an unabashed spotlight on controversy. But their humane approach to their characters ensures that we digest the controversy humanely, with a deepened understanding.
  • The Gentle Life-Changing Magic of Burning it All Down to the Ground
    17 Mar. 2024
    Selected for the 2023-24 Salon Reading Series.
    The Gentle Life-Changing Magic of Burning it All Down to the Ground is both an exploration and an example of complex human relationships. Near the beginning of the play, D proposes that this is a cooperative game–no one has to lose. And, while that does not mean that the game is easy, or without consequences, it does mean that both D and M can win; even if winning looks a whole lot like survival in a valued and treasured relationship. Highly recommended for development and production.
  • Old Bat
    15 Mar. 2024
    Selected for the 2023-24 Salon Reading Series at Angels Theatre Company:
    Old Bat is at heart, one of those myths that draw our attention to the characters that are usually left out. It is the contemporary odyssey that Struve skillfully renders as a “tale of an ordinary woman”, that is one that may be forgotten in any other story, but not this one. Old Bat is a skillfully spun old myth that refocuses the hero’s journey and ultimately creates a modern and enjoyable tale. Highly recommended for reading and production.
  • I Carry Your Heart With Me
    28 Feb. 2024
    Produced by Angels Theatre Company -- February 2024
    I Carry Your Heart With Me is a one-person tour de force. This is not an easy story, but it is profoundly and unabashedly human. This is a grown-up, real life story of laughter, pain, choice, loss, and realization. It is a story that bridges two wars, but it is not about war. It’s a story about family, honor, and duty, and the choices we make when we don’t have all the answers. Beautiful, Compelling and Real. This is a must read / must produce.