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  • Joe Swenson:
    6 Jan. 2022
    This show is great. A father and a son and a sacrifice. What more could you want? Well for starters, I could want a laugh. Check. I could want to poke light-hearted fun at an absurd moment in the history of the Old Testament. Check. I could want some father/son bonding. Check. I could want a show that resonates in so many different realms of my life. Check Check Check.

    I loved all of the different ways John explores the concept of sacrifice through Isaac's eyes. Great show!
  • Scott Sickles:
    10 Nov. 2021
    Anyone with even a passing familiarity with Kierkegaard's Fear and Trembling... (#SlingsAndArrowsHomage.)

    But seriously, folks, don't let the title fool you. I expected something delicate and fraught filled with pain, regret, and tender silences. I did not expect SASSY!!!

    And SASSY it is! Or rather, Isaac is. Bavoso's characterizations are classically modern, blisteringly funny, and indeed fraught with pain, regret, and tenderness amidst the cavalcade of angry banter. He also explores theology, faith, and the real world ramifications in the aftermath of God changing His mind. It only begins with "can you imagine that conversation" and then it soars!
  • Martha Patterson:
    8 Nov. 2021
    Tightly-written play employing modern lingo about a very dysfunctional parent and child -- the famous Biblical story of Abraham and Isaac...excellent job, John Bavoso!
  • Steven Hayet:
    19 Apr. 2021
    In a time when we so often we see people using religion to justify horrible things, John Bavoso provides an clever spin on the Abraham & Isaac story. Packed with wit and a whole ton of heart, "Awkward Conversation" is a delightful conversation starter about faith, parenthood, and love, and would be a welcome addition to any short play festival. Well done!
  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend:
    14 Apr. 2021
    Well, this is delightful. I always wondered what Isaac thought about his dad almost murdering him before God intervened, and now I know. This short play is funny, smart, and a great read. I bet it plays really well in front of an audience, too.
  • Adam Richter:
    13 Apr. 2021
    Abraham was kind of a jerk for showing God that he'd be willing to kill his only son on His say-so. Or was he? I like how John Bavoso imbues both characters with complexity and heart in this very funny short play. "Awkward Conversation" offers some witty insight into the legend of Abraham and Isaac.
  • Cheryl Bear:
    12 Apr. 2021
    That awkward moment after you almost killed your son. Excellent.
