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  • Mike Rice:
    10 Nov. 2021
    With a magnifying glass on the issue of interracial adoption, Jessie Salsbury has given us a drama that raises awareness about the struggles of raising adopted children of color and the human cost of family secrets. To her credit, Jessie does not take sides. She presents a story with real sympathetic characters and a gripping conflict. The accolades she received for this play were well-deserved.
  • Everett Robert:
    4 Oct. 2018
    This was not an easy play for me to read. I was adopted, and am from a "trans-racial" family (a family that is made up of people from different races) and living in Kansas, this hit close to home. And it would be unfair for me to look at my family's experiences and compare to the story told here. But I will say that I think this is an IMPORTANT play that examines issues through a lens that isn't always considered. Salsbury has written a hyper realistic play that addresses a myriad of issues. Highly recommended.
  • Rachel Bykowski:
    20 Feb. 2018
    A play that honestly begins to discuss the social, racial, and economical questions that come with adoption. These are not easy questions, nor are the answers. But in this play, while the arguments are heated and tensions rise, the children are not forgotten.
  • Kelly McBurnette-Andronicos:
    10 Feb. 2018
    Resonating with many socio-racial issues of our time, this one-act zooms in on how interracial adoption, class, and liberal saviour-ism play out between two families. No easy answers, but a lot to mull over in this moral/ethical/legal puzzler. The post-show conversation will fill your ride home from the theater. Some very nice, dark, and tense moments, too. A real strength of Salsbury's.
  • Dave Osmundsen:
    8 Feb. 2018
    A fascinating play about a thought-provoking topic that will surely inspire audience debate. Salsbury lends a sympathetic ear to all of her characters, refusing to take sides or provide easy answers. The first few lines draw you right into the play, and you can’t help but keep watching to find out how it all ends. A necessary play for today’s volatile racial and political climate.
  • George Sapio:
    6 Feb. 2018
    An outstanding dramatic work that examines the ramifications of a highly sensitive racial-based issue. Honest, genuine characters face up against a difficult situation and wrestle with not only their own fears about adopting and doing what's best for the children but also how society will treat them because of it. This is a play that will most certainly spark intense audience discussion.