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  • E Elia:
    12 Jul. 2021
    A light skit on the dark underside of pregnancy, satirising the grotesque caricatures of mothers “unfit” for motherhood, as popularised by the extreme, religious right. At once humorous, engaging and deeply disturbing.
  • Emma Goldman-Sherman:
    29 Jun. 2019
    The chill darkness of a post-choice world where we are surely headed - this prescient play is filled with moments of terror and a great unravelling. I appreciate it as a knitter - the physical maker - a crossword puzzler - the one with the brain who shoulda known better - a mother, an activist and a playwright!
  • Rachael Carnes:
    17 May. 2019
    Prescient and chilling, this short play strikes at the heart of women's inequality, pointing to the incongruous bends in reality that seem to shape our inclusion, the acceptance of our contributions, even the idea of us, as completely human, rather than the sum of our parts. Husczca writes with sensitivity and boldness, bringing light to a woman's experience, one growing more fearful, more humiliating, by the day.
  • Jordan Elizabeth Henry:
    25 Apr. 2018
    Huszcza packs so much into this short play about fertility, fanatic religiosity and its economic repercussions, and the roles our culture assigns to women. Theses two characters are boiled down to two things: their hobbies, which become their names, and their gigantically oversized pregnant bodies. The horror of the world of this play is that it's not so far-fetched.
  • Lindsay Partain:
    23 Apr. 2018
    It's a world where only the married get to reproduce-- and a terrifying glimpse at what we could be. The wants and the desires of these two women are so simple-- a life of that is their own, a right to their bodies, to be sexual. A deeply tragic and thought provoking piece, BIG BELLY would be gold at any theatre festival. Add this to your list immediately!