I am a lover of plays about robots (and AI entities, generally) and the best pieces have something simple yet profound to say about the experience of being human. This is a gorgeously structured play that, at its heart, tells the story of two sisters, both with their own unique limitations, who act the way sisters do. They are cruel, and kind, and secretive, and cognitive of their shared origins, but still distinct entities with their own desires in the world. Their journey is so foreign but still incredibly familiar and left me feeling deliciously raw. Catharsis at its best!
I am a lover of plays about robots (and AI entities, generally) and the best pieces have something simple yet profound to say about the experience of being human. This is a gorgeously structured play that, at its heart, tells the story of two sisters, both with their own unique limitations, who act the way sisters do. They are cruel, and kind, and secretive, and cognitive of their shared origins, but still distinct entities with their own desires in the world. Their journey is so foreign but still incredibly familiar and left me feeling deliciously raw. Catharsis at its best!