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  • Franky D. Gonzalez:
    15 Oct. 2018
    A play with a situation familiar to artists everywhere. A story with layers and emotions as complex as any classical work. Philip Middleton Williams takes the scenario of "trouble in paradise" to new heights in this equal parts dramatic and comedic mystery that keeps you reading from end to end of the script. The setting may be idyllic Florida, and the characters may be hilarious (especially Bobby who matches wits with Donny in some of the most witty dialogue exchanges you'll find on NPX) but make no mistake the stakes are high and the questions demand reflection and quiet thought.
  • Matthew Weaver:
    29 Dec. 2016
    I love the concept of a fictional character confronting his creator about shoving his story into a desk drawer for years. Enjoyed the familiarity Donny and Bobby share - you cannot hide the truth from your own creation. Williams creates an engaging world with likable characters and an enjoyable, slightly world-weary tone. Anna and Barbara could be thankless parts, but in this playwright's capable hands they are strong in their own right. Williams has a gift for dialogue and for gently mocking romance novel language. We have as much fun as he does.
  • Asher Wyndham:
    12 Jul. 2015
    Why can't anyone except Donny see Bobby? That question kept me turning the pages. This play is NOT fluff, the stuff of the romance novels Donny writes; it's an intelligent, honest presentation of a common artistic dilemma -- choose an easy life creating art that sells or creating art that matters to you? This dilemma is presented with great theatricality and humor that makes for an engaging entertainment. I enjoyed the Act 2 scene where lovers act out what Donny types -- HILARIOUS!
  • Terri Garber:
    14 Feb. 2015
    This is a terrific full length play that has moments we can all relate to, watch and ponder. Each character is clear and precise and the predicament to deal with very real these days. Mr. Middleton's writing see saws between funny and moving. The light hearted lines are realistic and perfectly written. It's intelligent and I would LOVE to do it someday.
