CRAZY BETTY is the darkly comedic adventure of two women trying to beat a system run by a bunch of local male dimwits. All Betty wants from her dollar store job is a decent shift and insurance to get a hip replacement. Annie, fresh out of prison, can't get a job any place but the local strip club. Bound together by the death of someone they loved, the two women try to outrun their past but find it'...
CRAZY BETTY is the darkly comedic adventure of two women trying to beat a system run by a bunch of local male dimwits. All Betty wants from her dollar store job is a decent shift and insurance to get a hip replacement. Annie, fresh out of prison, can't get a job any place but the local strip club. Bound together by the death of someone they loved, the two women try to outrun their past but find it's been lying in wait all along.
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Recommended by

  • Michael Aman:
    2 May. 2020
    There are so few wonderful roles for women of a certain age. Crazy Betty is so real. We get to see a world that for me is so unfamiliar, but shows this reader that despite the wide gulf from my world, the shared humanity draws me to it like a magnet. I highly recommend Crazy Betty.
  • Emma Goldman-Sherman:
    16 Jul. 2019
    Wonderful play with great roles for women! Higgins puts Betty and Annie in the most precarious situations. She is unflinching in showing us what they have to deal with. How they try to make things work out in such a world - their tenacity - it'll stay with me a long time.
  • Nick Malakhow:
    26 Jun. 2019
    An intimate and wonderfully constructed portrait of two women. This piece navigates the territory between comedy and tragedy deftly. Betty and Annie are so richly human, and I root for them the whole time. It's wonderful to see a small piece of rural realism centered on women vs. grizzled and tortured men. What I'm most impressed with is the way in which this play captures the entrenched gender dynamics and socio-cultural atmosphere of the whole world Annie and Betty inhabit with just a few characters. Easy to see this onstage, and I hope to see it produced soon.

Character Information

  • Ray
    Ray is obnoxious, but a fun role to play. He owns a local gun store and is a bully, but is truly inept in every way. His attempts to throw his weight around with Betty and Annie are a dismal, often comic, failure.
  • Marvin
    Betty's boss at the dollar store, is a beleaguered corporate hack, who kids himself into thinking he is doing the right thing.
  • Josh
    Betty's coworker stoked on drugs and Rocket drinks, imagines himself a black market and drug dealing entrepreneur, while haphazardly running a forklift in the dollar store warehouse.
  • Betty
    Any (but probably white)
    Presents Female
    Betty is a woman in her 60s who lives in rural America and is struggling with a low paying job and lack of access to financial security and health care. In spite of the enormous personal losses she has experienced, she is tough and resourceful and has a wry wit. She is a strong female character who knows her way around guns and who has a strong moral center.
  • Annie
    Presents Female
    Annie, a tough young woman in her 20s, returns to her hometown after a tragic personal loss sends her wandering and, ultimately, in prison for several years. The only job she can now find is at the local strip club, which leads to some tough consequences. She tries to reconnect with her old friend Betty, but both of them realize they have been trying to outrun the past and it's been lying in wait for them the whole time. Annie is funny, tough, mouthy and kind.

Development History

  • Reading
    Southern Discomfort Productions NYC Reading


Bechdel Test Festival
Bridge Initiative, Tempe, Arizona
2019 O'Neill National Playwrights Conference
The O'Neill Center
Second Rounder
Austin Film Festival @ Writer's Conference
Bay Area Playwrights Festival
Playwrights Foundation, San Francisco