Your Mileage May Vary

**NEW DRAFT AS OF 8/22/22**
Mayel has been inside all summer. When she's not too busy practicing her fencing skills, she's haunted by the ghost of her favorite Mexican character actor, Lefty González. As she ventures outside her home for the first time, Mayel runs into her former best friend, Alaska. Throughout the day, they try rebuilding their friendship over music, movies, and aguas de melón...
**NEW DRAFT AS OF 8/22/22**
Mayel has been inside all summer. When she's not too busy practicing her fencing skills, she's haunted by the ghost of her favorite Mexican character actor, Lefty González. As she ventures outside her home for the first time, Mayel runs into her former best friend, Alaska. Throughout the day, they try rebuilding their friendship over music, movies, and aguas de melón. Your Mileage May Vary is a slice-of-life about masculinity, duty, Mexicanidad, respectability politics, and learning to bite back. Developed with the 2021-2022 Rec Room Arts Writers Group cohort.
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Your Mileage May Vary

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  • Brendan Bourque-Sheil:
    16 Aug. 2022
    As someone who lives in the same general area where this play is set, I had moments while reading this of feeling my own neighborhood rendered with uncanny authenticity. The action's mostly grounded in this slice-of-life feel, but our protagonist spends enough time ruminating on film and other cultural ephemera that those pieces of their internal world make their way onto the stage in surprising, elegant, and form pushing ways, culminating in a funny, devastating, theatrical portrait of an utterly singular individual, but this play achieves universality in its specificity. I saw more than a little of myself in Mayel.
  • Baylee Shlichtman:
    15 Aug. 2022
    This play is a coming-of-age story. This play is a coming-out story. But this play is also about being haunted by a Chicanx trans masc character actor, dueling your ex(?) best friend's ex-boyfriend for her honor with the fencing sword you picked up at the thrift shop earlier that day, and how coming home after you tried to "make it out" can feel like an early grave but it doesn't have to be if you make the choice to fight for the person you've become rather than slip back into the scared person you used to be. Incredible stuff.

Character Information

    Mexican American
    non-binary/gender nonconforming, transmasculine
    Stuck at home. Gender-questioning while simultaneously in denial. she/her
    Mexican American
    Trans man
    Ghost of a trans man character actor. Think El Pachuco, but way less cool. he/him
    late 20s,
    Mexican American
    Mayel's old bestie. Back home and mad about it. she/her
    late 40s/early 50s,
    Alaska’s mother. Mexican refresquería owner. she/her
    late 20s,
    Mexican descent
    Alaska's new bestie. You could say she’s Chicana, if you made her pick. she/her
    late 20s,
    Mexican descent
    Claudia’s brother. He’s just some guy, leave him alone! he/him
    late 20s,
    late 20s
    Alaska's ex. It's not Juan, it's Johnny. he/him
    mid-20s to mid-30s,
    Lefty's partner. Good with a camera. he/him

Development History