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  • Greg Burdick:
    24 Feb. 2019
    Whether you’re a fan of Alcott’s iconic novel, or just casually familiar, you’ll enjoy Donna Hoke’s modern take on the March sisters. She expertly maintains the architecture of the original, but delivers it in a contemporary and theatrical way that feels fresh and innovative. These are not little women, particularly Jo and Meg: they’re rich, full characters with 21st century sensibilities and affectations. This is a strong example of how a modern adaptation of a classic can work for the stage.
  • Stephen Kaplan:
    14 Feb. 2019
    So much fun to see these well-known characters through a modern lens. Hoke stays true to the spirit of the original, but explodes the story into something that's even more accessible and recognizable to today's audiences. A great alternative for any group looking to produce a recognizable title in a new and exciting way.
  • Everett Robert:
    3 Dec. 2018
    Days after performing a traditional adaptation of Louise May Alcott's classic, I stumbled upon Donna Hoke's wonderful modern day re-imagining. Hoke manages to keep all the timeless troupes we love about Little Women while making it timeless. Meg is still Meg, Jo is still Jo, Beth is still Beth and Amy is still Amy, but there are modern twists (some expected, some not) and changes that are absolutely delightful.
