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  • Kelly Grayum:
    30 May. 2024
    Very funny, until it is not. This piece allows the audience to come into the knowledge of what is being spoken of and it is a dark delight.
  • Jack Seamus Conley:
    23 Feb. 2024
    Topical but not overly heavy handed, CHOICES is an excellent satire that at first appears comical (and it does have its genuinely funny moments), but then hits you in the face (in a good way) with the dark reality and relatability of its subject matter. JAMES MCLINDON has given us something to really stop and think about with this piece... and it's one I'll be pondering for a while.
  • Ian Thal:
    30 Jul. 2023
    A dystopian satire set just a a few minutes into a future when debt matters even more and life matters just a little less. The logical argument for abandoning our scruples is chilling.
  • Jonathan Cook:
    28 Apr. 2022
    I produced an audio version of this play on the GATHER BY THE GHOST LIGHT radio theater podcast. McLindon has crafted a well-written topical play that questions how far someone is willing to go to eliminate financial debt. This is a wonderful play with natural dialogue and a tidy story that never stalls. Highly recommended!
  • Jake Lewis:
    20 Mar. 2022
    This play exemplifies my favorite kind of work: It's a "Black Mirror"-esque moral quandary that feels like it could one day be all too real in this ever-problematic world we live in. You are at first won over by the comical setup, but as the story unfolds, you find yourself asking what you would do faced with such a dilemma. McLindon once again keeps the action fast-paced but leaves much to think about when all is said and done.
  • Amy Dellagiarino:
    25 Jan. 2022
    Is it the quality of life that matters, or the length of it? Humorous, dark, and utterly timely, this play taps into the existential crisis that exists within anyone aware of the state of the world today. A perfect question that has no perfect answer. Totally captivating.
  • Jennifer O'Grady:
    7 Sep. 2021
    Fabulously written, darkly comic, surprising and ultimately chilling play revolving around student-loan debt. Well deserving of its many productions and very relevant to our current time.
  • Jack Levine:
    20 Jul. 2021
    JAMES MCLINDON’s play raises a very interesting question: is it better to live for today and not worry about the future, or work and struggle for years so you can retire in comfort at a ripe old age? We all have “Choices”, the title of this play. This is a well-done piece and should be read and performed.
  • Michael March:
    1 Jun. 2021
    It was my privilege to direct this dark, highly relevant comedy that resonates with so many for the Bangkok Community Theatre. You can view it here, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D8VB3ILKNR, through the end of June 2021. McLindon's short play is a tour-de-force of writing, wit and emotional impact.
  • Marj O'Neill-Butler:
    2 Nov. 2020
    Wow, this play goes deep. Deal with the Devil or live in poverty. Choices indeed. A very dark, interesting play. Doomed to scare the pants off of everyone in debt.
