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  • Michael DeBusk:
    20 Jan. 2015
    For about thirty years, I've made my living in and around hospitals. I've seen a lot of pain and grief and love and renewal and sadness and starting over. Listening to the secrets people carry deep. Wondering how anyone can be lonely when they're surrounded by people who care.

    Audrey Cefaly brings this to life in MAYTAG VIRGIN. She doesn't do it in so sanitary a place as a hospital, though, but right next door, with people you grew up with and the thoughts spoken aloud they had hoped no one would ever know they've thought.
  • Kate Jordan:
    18 Jan. 2015
    Audrey Cefaly's characters are an actor's dream: they are fully realized, whole humans. The actors and the audience have the joy of their language, their histories, their interactions. They are funny and flawed, beautiful and exasperating. They demand laughter and break hearts. They breathe. They hide in the minds and hearts of actors and viewers long after the lights go down.
