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  • Cheryl Bear:
    23 Jan. 2021
    A powerful look into grief, the unbearable way it takes over when it comes and the friendship that gets us through. Beautifully done.
  • Nick Malakhow:
    5 Dec. 2019
    This was definitely an "openly crying on public transit" kind of script! In "Invincible Ones," Samantha Cooper explores grief, friendship, and alienation by zeroing in on a dynamic and eclectic group of individuals. Zoe is a compelling protagonist who you understand all along the way, even as you might be frustrated by the ways she is pushing folks away in her grieving. Every character is rendered in just as nuanced and three-dimensional a fashion as Zoe. Heartbreaking without sentimentality. The choral odes and the powerful visual metaphor of the leaking tub enhance the boldly theatrical aesthetic. Produce this play!
  • Emily Dendinger:
    7 Oct. 2019
    This is a beautiful and hilarious play about friendship, life, real estate, annoying little brothers, and death. The story is deeply moving without ever falling into cliche or sentimentality with a cast of enjoyable characters that are well-crafted and complex. It's highly theatrical and a ton of fun with an ending that packs a whooper of an emotional punch.
  • Jeffrey James Keyes:
    6 Oct. 2019
    This play is going to sit with me for quite some time. Cooper has crafted a powerful play depicting a group of friends (and truly meaty roles for a diverse and predominantly female cast) dealing with the unfortunate ripples of losing a friend. The struggle can feel consuming but friendship, love, and family can help us to get through the wake of the Grim Reaper's inevitable grasp on all of our lives. Cooper's portrait of grief is creative, sobering, and important. I'd love to see this on stage.
  • Ellen Steves:
    1 Oct. 2019
    How do you grieve in NYC? How can you stop and take a moment to appreciate a life when everything and everyone around you is speeding past at 100 miles an hour? A deep exploration into the different ways in which we try to run from death. Snappy dialogue, a half-naked little brother, and an ominous leak in the ceiling all add to the cacophonous seclusion you can only find in New York City. This play is deep, meaningful, and also deliciously funny. Samantha Cooper knows style.
  • Stephen Foglia:
    23 Sep. 2019
    I've seen Invincible Ones in two developmental presentations and come away each time so impressed by how prickly, funny, and gut-wrenching it is. Samantha Cooper writes fully blooded characters, with sharp elbows and rich relationships. She has a gift for turning a comic character beat into a sudden accusation leveled right at the patriarchy. This is a great piece for actors, with a mostly-female-identifying cast.
  • Audrey Lang:
    12 Mar. 2019
    I saw Invincible Ones at the Signature Center in NYC in 2016, and had thought about it a lot since then, so I was very excited to find it on NPX to read and revisit. It is a play that has truly stuck with me and equally makes me laugh and breaks my heart.
  • Unicorn Theatre:
    6 Apr. 2018
    This play was a SEMIFINALIST for the 2017-2018 In-Progress New Play Reading Series at Unicorn Theatre in Kansas City, Missouri. It is our pleasure to support INVINCIBLE ONES.
  • Callan Stout:
    30 Oct. 2017
    A lovely play about grief and strength, and the people you need around you to make it through the tough days. Samantha beautifully portrays vulnerable moments of bad-ass women.