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  • Sebastian Hagelstein:
    18 Nov. 2023
    Lots of opportunities for creative staging choices and performances, especially moments like Tina's mega-church preacher-style speech and the scene in the flooded universe. Lovely variety in tone between scenes to establish different universes while maintaining the same humor. The scenes of Adrien and Karlee being goofy at a boring job are simply written but some of the funniest moments to picture staged.
  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend:
    15 Feb. 2022
    Oh my gosh. How original, and how fabulous! Karlee and Adrien are millennials who work at an Office Depot. People rarely come in, and as they fill their time with talk, they discuss parallel universes. We then proceed to see many scenes with many different versions of them in which big things and small details are altered - all except the Office Depot. That exists in all universes. The dialogue is natural and funny - often darkly so - and I didn't want the play to end. I'd follow these two to any universe. (Also Tina is super intense.)
  • Meredith Bartmon:
    12 May. 2021
    If you love absurdist comedy then this wonderfully alive play about death and retail might be for you. If you've ever been a millennial, loved a millennial or had a millennial provide you with customer service then this play might be for you. This story flirts with the big themes that haunt young people across all possible universes and then centers the gloriously mundane humanity at the center of those existential crises we've all been trudging through. I think you will fall in love with Adrien, Karlee and Tina, even though Tina is a little bit scary. 10/10 would recommend.
  • Shaun Leisher:
    20 Dec. 2020
    I connect with this play so deeply. I feel like I have had these conversations at dead end jobs. This world that poses the thought that these conversations could never ends terrifies me. This is a horror play. Please produce.
  • Cain Rodriguez:
    1 Sep. 2020
    Were you ever in your early 20s in a dead-end job and distinctly have the feeling that "wow, i'm stuck here. I will die here. This is all I'll ever do?" Then you're in luck! This play is just for you! The despair of a wasted life! The fear that you are eternally and existentially doomed! Flirting with your similarly-aged co-workers! Wait, are you flirting? Or are do y'all just have an easy rapport! UNCLEAR! You feel it in your chest and in your neck, or at least I did.
  • Cheryl Bear:
    2 Aug. 2020
    When a world of adventure is beckoning to you, being trapped in Office Depot really can seem like hell on earth. A fantastic dissection of the separation between the way we are brought up, to achieve the great American dream, and the hopelessness that can set in given seemingly impossible odds. An existential crisis takes us on a journey through the universes and in all of them, Office Depot makes you want to die. Well done.