A smart and self-aware twist on a classic fairytale. The story is about love and finding "the wish in your heart", as Only, the protagonist tells us, but it is also about Only's journey to self determination. By shifting the focus of the narrative to the Beast's only remaining servant, by giving us a "Beauty" that is not just a one-dimensional damsel in distress but a real woman with complicated problems, and by writing a "Witch" that is at once frightening and sympathetic, Hardy makes this beloved fairytale resonate for modern audiences.
A smart and self-aware twist on a classic fairytale. The story is about love and finding "the wish in your heart", as Only, the protagonist tells us, but it is also about Only's journey to self determination. By shifting the focus of the narrative to the Beast's only remaining servant, by giving us a "Beauty" that is not just a one-dimensional damsel in distress but a real woman with complicated problems, and by writing a "Witch" that is at once frightening and sympathetic, Hardy makes this beloved fairytale resonate for modern audiences.