by Robin Rice

Award-winning, Off-Broadway produced drama based on actual events. Despite strict Victorian society, Alice Austen becomes the first woman photo-journalist and lives with her lover, another woman. Born into an upper middle-class family on Staten Island, NY, Alice is plunged into poverty during the Great Depression. The true story of the editor who discovers Alice's photographs, rescues her from the poorhouse and...

Award-winning, Off-Broadway produced drama based on actual events. Despite strict Victorian society, Alice Austen becomes the first woman photo-journalist and lives with her lover, another woman. Born into an upper middle-class family on Staten Island, NY, Alice is plunged into poverty during the Great Depression. The true story of the editor who discovers Alice's photographs, rescues her from the poorhouse and brings her work to the attention of the public is told in a parallel, interwoven thread.

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Recommended by

  • Margaret McCarthy: ALICE IN BLACK AND WHITE (full length)

    I saw the 2017 production and loved this play. Alice's story is heartbreaking; her art, her photographs, radiant. With masterful writing, Robin Rice brings us the life and times of this important female artist.

    I saw the 2017 production and loved this play. Alice's story is heartbreaking; her art, her photographs, radiant. With masterful writing, Robin Rice brings us the life and times of this important female artist.

  • Morey Norkin: ALICE IN BLACK AND WHITE (full length)

    As Alice Austen says of her photographs in this masterful work, “One is a bridge. Singular. Particular. Isolated. Together, they’re a river. An endless expanse!” That’s how I felt reading Robin Rice’s moving play that flows effortlessly between decades, bringing history to life, and connecting with us in a way that I imagine Ms. Austen would have appreciated. Outstanding.

    As Alice Austen says of her photographs in this masterful work, “One is a bridge. Singular. Particular. Isolated. Together, they’re a river. An endless expanse!” That’s how I felt reading Robin Rice’s moving play that flows effortlessly between decades, bringing history to life, and connecting with us in a way that I imagine Ms. Austen would have appreciated. Outstanding.

  • Cheryl Bear: ALICE IN BLACK AND WHITE (full length)

    Utterly beautiful writing, the imagery and lyrical quality of the piece allows this story to come alive with radiance. The characters and the history of the piece are so engaging, you can't help but fall in love with it. Wonderful!

    Utterly beautiful writing, the imagery and lyrical quality of the piece allows this story to come alive with radiance. The characters and the history of the piece are so engaging, you can't help but fall in love with it. Wonderful!

View all 6 recommendations

Character Information

Alice Austen - Age 10-86. Victorian photographer. Smart. Independent. Sarcastic.
Mother - Alice's mother. (may also play Street Person, Attendant)
Gertrude - Alice's love. Younger than Alice. (may also play Alice's friend Julia)
Grandfather - Alice's grandfather. (may also play James, Rodgers, City Official)
Minn - Mother's younger sister. (may also play Violet, Harry, Grace)
Some or all of the doubled characters may be played by additional actors.
  • Oliver Jensen
    40s. Writer. Historian. (A real person.)
    Character Age
    Character Race/Ethnic Identity
    Character Gender Identity
  • Sally Lally
    40. Tightly wound receptionist at a historical museum. Crazy for history.
    Character Age
    Character Race/Ethnic Identity
    Character Gender Identity
  • Alice Austen
    Ages from 10 to 86. Caucasian. Photographer. Gay. Smart. Curious. Sarcastic. Independent. Athletic. (A real person.)
    Character Age
  • Mother
    30 to elderly. Caucasian. Alice's mother. Not strong.
    Character Age
    30 to elderly.
    Character Race/Ethnic Identity
    Character Gender Identity
  • Gertrude
    20s to elderly. Caucasian. Alice's love. Sensitive. (A real person.) (May also play Alice's friend Julia.)
    Character Age
    Character Race/Ethnic Identity
    Character Gender Identity
  • Grandfather
    Middle-aged to elderly. Caucasian. Loving. Not much of a disciplinarian. (A real person.)
    Character Age
    Middle aged to elderly.
    Character Race/Ethnic Identity
    Character Gender Identity
  • Minn
    20s to elderly. Mother's younger sister. Has an adventurous spark. Fun-loving. (A real person.) (Actor also plays Alice's friend Violet, Alice's beau Harry, and Grace Mandia [Italian] unless doubling is not necessary.)
    Character Age
    20s to elderly.
    Character Race/Ethnic Identity
    Character Gender Identity

Development History

  • Type Reading, Organization Great Plains Theatre Conference - winner of StageWrite award, Year 2013

Production History

  • Type Professional, Organization 59E59 Theatre, NYC, Year 2017
  • Type Professional, Organization Looking for Lilith Theatre Company, Louisville, KY, Year 2013


  • StageWrite Award
    Great Plains Theatre Conference