Recommendations of El Loro, El Gato y El Espiritu Santo (or The Parrot, the Cat and the Holy Ghost)

  • Jordan Elizabeth Henry: El Loro, El Gato y El Espiritu Santo (or The Parrot, the Cat and the Holy Ghost)

    Totally hilarious and sweet -- a terrific idea with fun characters that make ridiculous, theatrical choices. I love these three sisters (catching a cat with bologna on a fishing pole, I mean come on -- it doesn't get better than that), and I love Dona Cuca, too. A perfect fit for a short play festival. Four great roles for Latina actresses.

    Totally hilarious and sweet -- a terrific idea with fun characters that make ridiculous, theatrical choices. I love these three sisters (catching a cat with bologna on a fishing pole, I mean come on -- it doesn't get better than that), and I love Dona Cuca, too. A perfect fit for a short play festival. Four great roles for Latina actresses.

  • Scott Dixon: El Loro, El Gato y El Espiritu Santo (or The Parrot, the Cat and the Holy Ghost)

    Darkly comic enterprise where three sisters try to cover up the "murder" of their neighbor's parrot. The dynamic between the characters is exquisitely fun, and the twist ending a real treat.

    Darkly comic enterprise where three sisters try to cover up the "murder" of their neighbor's parrot. The dynamic between the characters is exquisitely fun, and the twist ending a real treat.

  • Judith Pratt: El Loro, El Gato y El Espiritu Santo (or The Parrot, the Cat and the Holy Ghost)

    As soon as the sisters began to fish for the evil cat Putsy with bologna on a fishing pole, I was, um, hooked. Latina actresses and theatres, this play is for you, and you'll love it.

    As soon as the sisters began to fish for the evil cat Putsy with bologna on a fishing pole, I was, um, hooked. Latina actresses and theatres, this play is for you, and you'll love it.

  • Caitlin Turnage: El Loro, El Gato y El Espiritu Santo (or The Parrot, the Cat and the Holy Ghost)

    This is a really fun and colorful play with zingy dialogue and a fun twist at the end. A great play for any short festival. Check it out!

    This is a really fun and colorful play with zingy dialogue and a fun twist at the end. A great play for any short festival. Check it out!

  • Dave Osmundsen: El Loro, El Gato y El Espiritu Santo (or The Parrot, the Cat and the Holy Ghost)

    I saw a reading of this play as part of the Midwest Dramatists Conference. Hilarious, outrageous, and delightful from start to finish, with strong dialogue and meaty roles for the actresses. I was enchanted from start to finish.

    I saw a reading of this play as part of the Midwest Dramatists Conference. Hilarious, outrageous, and delightful from start to finish, with strong dialogue and meaty roles for the actresses. I was enchanted from start to finish.

  • Adam Seidel: El Loro, El Gato y El Espiritu Santo (or The Parrot, the Cat and the Holy Ghost)

    A very playful, fun and rich portrait of three sisters stuck in a dilemma trying to do the right thing but ultimately making a situation so much worse in the most hilarious way. I did not want this play to end.

    A very playful, fun and rich portrait of three sisters stuck in a dilemma trying to do the right thing but ultimately making a situation so much worse in the most hilarious way. I did not want this play to end.

  • George Sapio: El Loro, El Gato y El Espiritu Santo (or The Parrot, the Cat and the Holy Ghost)

    Kelly has a wonderful ear for dialogue and a heart full of warmth for her characters, each of whom is special in her own way and so fully human. A hilarious situation just gets crazier and every choice made amplifies the delicious discomfort.

    Kelly has a wonderful ear for dialogue and a heart full of warmth for her characters, each of whom is special in her own way and so fully human. A hilarious situation just gets crazier and every choice made amplifies the delicious discomfort.

  • Robert Lynn: El Loro, El Gato y El Espiritu Santo (or The Parrot, the Cat and the Holy Ghost)

    Wonderfully rich, distinct characters. A complete play and hilarious story in a mere 10 minutes. I didn't want the staged reading to end.

    Wonderfully rich, distinct characters. A complete play and hilarious story in a mere 10 minutes. I didn't want the staged reading to end.

  • Jessie Salsbury: El Loro, El Gato y El Espiritu Santo (or The Parrot, the Cat and the Holy Ghost)

    Watched this gem of a 10 minute play at the Midwest Dramatists Center Conference in a staged reading. Wonderfully funny and snappy, realistic dialogue. Perfect for adults or teens. The actors had a great time with these characters.

    Watched this gem of a 10 minute play at the Midwest Dramatists Center Conference in a staged reading. Wonderfully funny and snappy, realistic dialogue. Perfect for adults or teens. The actors had a great time with these characters.

  • Asher Wyndham: El Loro, El Gato y El Espiritu Santo (or The Parrot, the Cat and the Holy Ghost)

    The playwright's words create hilarious stage pictures and situations. I enjoyed how how the playwright intensified the story as the three teenagers try to cover up the "crime." An original story concept -- and that's rare. The ending is unexpected, and provides the best laugh.

    The playwright's words create hilarious stage pictures and situations. I enjoyed how how the playwright intensified the story as the three teenagers try to cover up the "crime." An original story concept -- and that's rare. The ending is unexpected, and provides the best laugh.