Recommendations of Two Cats Explain the Monstrous Moth Group

  • Rachael Carnes: Two Cats Explain the Monstrous Moth Group

    YES! This is the universe that I want to spend time in! Thal's goofy characters and engaging setting drop us into the most delightfully weird world. This play needs to be read and enjoyed for Parvati alone! Viva Parvati. Such fun. It's just refreshing to read something that can only be theater - hilarious!

    YES! This is the universe that I want to spend time in! Thal's goofy characters and engaging setting drop us into the most delightfully weird world. This play needs to be read and enjoyed for Parvati alone! Viva Parvati. Such fun. It's just refreshing to read something that can only be theater - hilarious!

  • Kelly McBurnette-Andronicos: Two Cats Explain the Monstrous Moth Group

    Thal's enchanting interpretation of cat logic and cat language truly captures the unique relationship between humans and cats. Somehow, Omi the Cat's explanation of the physical universe makes perfect sense. I'd love to spend more time with these felines or at least see this show produced. Cerebral but still accessible. A beautiful short play.

    Thal's enchanting interpretation of cat logic and cat language truly captures the unique relationship between humans and cats. Somehow, Omi the Cat's explanation of the physical universe makes perfect sense. I'd love to spend more time with these felines or at least see this show produced. Cerebral but still accessible. A beautiful short play.

  • Asher Wyndham: Two Cats Explain the Monstrous Moth Group

    What's in Ian Thal's Kool-Aid? Whatever it is, I want to drink it. Cats & a bat in an attic -- Thal's images are wonderfully child-like. A perfect piece for puppeteers or costumers seeking a one-of-a-kind challenge. Fabulous, freaky, f-d up -- read it, perform it, direct it.

    What's in Ian Thal's Kool-Aid? Whatever it is, I want to drink it. Cats & a bat in an attic -- Thal's images are wonderfully child-like. A perfect piece for puppeteers or costumers seeking a one-of-a-kind challenge. Fabulous, freaky, f-d up -- read it, perform it, direct it.