Recommendations of The Insidious Impact of Anton

  • Aly Kantor: The Insidious Impact of Anton

    You've heard of the Manic Pixie Dream Girl, but have you heard of the Manic Pixie Small Eastern European Man? Not only does this charming, funny play turn a tired trope on its head, but it makes a case for choosing the challenging, inconvenient, far more scenic route to happiness - because, as this play so perceptively asks, what is the difference between living and waiting to die? It's fascinating to watch the protagonist self-actualize over the course of the play, and the depth of the message really sneaks up on you. What an easy, breezy, brilliant, heart-filled comedy!

    You've heard of the Manic Pixie Dream Girl, but have you heard of the Manic Pixie Small Eastern European Man? Not only does this charming, funny play turn a tired trope on its head, but it makes a case for choosing the challenging, inconvenient, far more scenic route to happiness - because, as this play so perceptively asks, what is the difference between living and waiting to die? It's fascinating to watch the protagonist self-actualize over the course of the play, and the depth of the message really sneaks up on you. What an easy, breezy, brilliant, heart-filled comedy!

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: The Insidious Impact of Anton

    Oh my gosh, what a fabulous play! Francesca's life is in a rut, and then Anton shows up and everything changes. And then we find out why. What a funny play full of such rich characters. I love the banter, how quickly we slide from one scene to the next, and the way the audience is almost a character as well, as Francesca narrates the crazy ride she went on since Anton arrived. Plus the last line is perfect. What a great piece!

    Oh my gosh, what a fabulous play! Francesca's life is in a rut, and then Anton shows up and everything changes. And then we find out why. What a funny play full of such rich characters. I love the banter, how quickly we slide from one scene to the next, and the way the audience is almost a character as well, as Francesca narrates the crazy ride she went on since Anton arrived. Plus the last line is perfect. What a great piece!

  • Cheryl Bear: The Insidious Impact of Anton

    When your perfect world gets turned on it's head, it can feel like you're losing everything. But perhaps you've just started living!

    When your perfect world gets turned on it's head, it can feel like you're losing everything. But perhaps you've just started living!

  • Emma Goldman-Sherman: The Insidious Impact of Anton

    I've been meaning to read this play for ages, and I'm so glad I finally did! Hilder is masterful with his fourth wall breaking - I love it! He creates an intimacy with the audience that raises the stakes of the action throughout the play in an honestly moving way. I also love Anton's language and charm. This is theatrically marvelous, sweet but never saccharine, and filled with big ideas to ponder!

    I've been meaning to read this play for ages, and I'm so glad I finally did! Hilder is masterful with his fourth wall breaking - I love it! He creates an intimacy with the audience that raises the stakes of the action throughout the play in an honestly moving way. I also love Anton's language and charm. This is theatrically marvelous, sweet but never saccharine, and filled with big ideas to ponder!

  • Acadiana Repertory Theatre: The Insidious Impact of Anton

    This fast paced, laugh a minute, smart comedy with a big heart will keep your audiences on the edge of their seat and wanting more. Surprises abound as does wit and charm. It is a beautiful opportunity for a strong female lead that can drive a show. David is a pleasure to produce and we look forward to our next collaboration with him.

    This fast paced, laugh a minute, smart comedy with a big heart will keep your audiences on the edge of their seat and wanting more. Surprises abound as does wit and charm. It is a beautiful opportunity for a strong female lead that can drive a show. David is a pleasure to produce and we look forward to our next collaboration with him.

  • Vince Gatton: The Insidious Impact of Anton

    Don't let the breezy, knowing tone of this play's protagonist/narrator fool you: the depth of feeling and largeness of ideas here are, well, insidious. The surprises keep coming well beyond revelations about the mysterious Anton, as Francesca's witty story sneakily accumulates moral and emotional weight - even as it recoils from pat sentiment or easy answers. You will want to be friends with The Insidious Impact of Anton, is what I'm saying -- and whether it will admit it at first or not, the feeling is probably mutual.

    Don't let the breezy, knowing tone of this play's protagonist/narrator fool you: the depth of feeling and largeness of ideas here are, well, insidious. The surprises keep coming well beyond revelations about the mysterious Anton, as Francesca's witty story sneakily accumulates moral and emotional weight - even as it recoils from pat sentiment or easy answers. You will want to be friends with The Insidious Impact of Anton, is what I'm saying -- and whether it will admit it at first or not, the feeling is probably mutual.

  • Rich Espey: The Insidious Impact of Anton

    We've all been in Francesca's shoes (or we all will be), and watching her navigate this patch of her life in a funny and theatrical play is a real pleasure.

    We've all been in Francesca's shoes (or we all will be), and watching her navigate this patch of her life in a funny and theatrical play is a real pleasure.

  • Andie Arthur: The Insidious Impact of Anton

    A charming and fun play. Francesca is a incredibly vivid character, who leads the audience through her increasingly magical world, with witty commentary.

    A charming and fun play. Francesca is a incredibly vivid character, who leads the audience through her increasingly magical world, with witty commentary.

  • Nicholas Thurkettle: The Insidious Impact of Anton

    Hilder combines snappy, deliciously profane voice with sneaky heart in telling a story that has plenty of sex in the city but is ultimately about the accumulating power of little daily decencies.

    Hilder combines snappy, deliciously profane voice with sneaky heart in telling a story that has plenty of sex in the city but is ultimately about the accumulating power of little daily decencies.

  • Donna Hoke: The Insidious Impact of Anton

    David Hilder has a great comic voice that guides you easily through this play from its attention-getting opening monologue to its perfect final line.

    David Hilder has a great comic voice that guides you easily through this play from its attention-getting opening monologue to its perfect final line.