Recommendations of "Saving the World!"

  • Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend: KiKi Pineapple Starring In: "Saving the World!"

    I love this. Like all the best plays for young audiences, this short both entertains and has a lesson baked in. It is sweet and fun and weird, just like kids, and it would delight kids and grownups alike.

    I love this. Like all the best plays for young audiences, this short both entertains and has a lesson baked in. It is sweet and fun and weird, just like kids, and it would delight kids and grownups alike.

  • Hannah Lee DeFrates: KiKi Pineapple Starring In: "Saving the World!"

    Kiki's experiences on the playground bring me back to my childhood. Full of friendship and fun, this is the perfect play for young actors and audiences! Martin's 3rd Grade Heroes show us that imagination really can save the world.

    Kiki's experiences on the playground bring me back to my childhood. Full of friendship and fun, this is the perfect play for young actors and audiences! Martin's 3rd Grade Heroes show us that imagination really can save the world.

  • Elaina K: KiKi Pineapple Starring In: "Saving the World!"

    I have read this play a LOT with the students in my online play reading class for kids. They LOVE it, as well as Inez Cupcakes! They would love to see more plays about these characters!! :)

    I have read this play a LOT with the students in my online play reading class for kids. They LOVE it, as well as Inez Cupcakes! They would love to see more plays about these characters!! :)

  • Christopher Plumridge: KiKi Pineapple Starring In: "Saving the World!"

    What wonderful energy rides throughout this fun play! I can clearly imagine this being staged, I believe young actors would have a ball performing it. And such brilliantly heroic names! Great fun!

    What wonderful energy rides throughout this fun play! I can clearly imagine this being staged, I believe young actors would have a ball performing it. And such brilliantly heroic names! Great fun!

  • Andrew Martineau: KiKi Pineapple Starring In: "Saving the World!"

    This is high voltage fun and is written with the kind of frenzied energy that probably only a eight-year-old can muster. It brought me back to my days of teaching creative dramatics and got me wishing I had had this play at my disposal. It teaches a great lesson of acceptance and cooperation. It reminded me of the style of Mo Willams a little bit but still very original!

    This is high voltage fun and is written with the kind of frenzied energy that probably only a eight-year-old can muster. It brought me back to my days of teaching creative dramatics and got me wishing I had had this play at my disposal. It teaches a great lesson of acceptance and cooperation. It reminded me of the style of Mo Willams a little bit but still very original!

  • DC Cathro: KiKi Pineapple Starring In: "Saving the World!"

    A delightful and imaginative adventure in childhood, full of heart and positive messages. The visuals described are a treasure trove for designers, and the over-the-top characters are wonderful opportunities for actors, both adults and kids, to inhabit. Also has a nostalgic feel, like eating cereal while watching cartoons on a Saturday morning. Absolute fun.

    A delightful and imaginative adventure in childhood, full of heart and positive messages. The visuals described are a treasure trove for designers, and the over-the-top characters are wonderful opportunities for actors, both adults and kids, to inhabit. Also has a nostalgic feel, like eating cereal while watching cartoons on a Saturday morning. Absolute fun.

  • Jacquelyn Floyd-Priskorn: KiKi Pineapple Starring In: "Saving the World!"

    I remember third grade well. And it was a lot like this play! Imagination is so fragile when kids are trying to be "grown up" at the same time. This sweet play shows kids that sometimes a bully doesn't need to be "taken down" but perhaps given a hand up to join in the fun! Children will be pretending to be Kiki Pineapple at recess for weeks after seeing this wonderful piece!

    I remember third grade well. And it was a lot like this play! Imagination is so fragile when kids are trying to be "grown up" at the same time. This sweet play shows kids that sometimes a bully doesn't need to be "taken down" but perhaps given a hand up to join in the fun! Children will be pretending to be Kiki Pineapple at recess for weeks after seeing this wonderful piece!

  • Jeff Smith: KiKi Pineapple Starring In: "Saving the World!"

    A young girl creates a bizarre yet internally consistent world in the way that only children can. It manages to be both specific and mystifying within the constraints of child logic. The underlying narrative is clear and offers an uplifting message for children (and adults). A fun performance opportunity for both child actors and adult actors remembering their childhood selves.

    A young girl creates a bizarre yet internally consistent world in the way that only children can. It manages to be both specific and mystifying within the constraints of child logic. The underlying narrative is clear and offers an uplifting message for children (and adults). A fun performance opportunity for both child actors and adult actors remembering their childhood selves.

  • D. Lee Miller: KiKi Pineapple Starring In: "Saving the World!"

    Kiki Pineapple could save the world if all believed like she does - with the help of her teacher. A lovely play for kids about self-acceptance and moving on.

    Kiki Pineapple could save the world if all believed like she does - with the help of her teacher. A lovely play for kids about self-acceptance and moving on.

  • Bridgette Dutta Portman: KiKi Pineapple Starring In: "Saving the World!"

    A whimsical and charming play for young actors, with an important message about self-acceptance and empathy. The character names are delightful, the protagonist is compelling and wonderfully weird, and the ending is heartwarming. Go Kiki Pineapple!

    A whimsical and charming play for young actors, with an important message about self-acceptance and empathy. The character names are delightful, the protagonist is compelling and wonderfully weird, and the ending is heartwarming. Go Kiki Pineapple!