Recommendations of "Saving the World!"

  • Evan Baughfman: KiKi Pineapple Starring In: "Saving the World!"

    A beautiful, all-ages story highlighting the importance of being oneself! Full of imagination! Great script!

    A beautiful, all-ages story highlighting the importance of being oneself! Full of imagination! Great script!

  • Cheryl Bear: KiKi Pineapple Starring In: "Saving the World!"

    Such an inventive and imaginative piece teaching kindness and friendship, wonderful for the young and young at heart. Sure to be loved by all!

    Such an inventive and imaginative piece teaching kindness and friendship, wonderful for the young and young at heart. Sure to be loved by all!

  • Neil Radtke: KiKi Pineapple Starring In: "Saving the World!"

    I had the pleasure of directing this show with my 8th graders as a part of a Night of Theatre at our school. The actors enjoyed playing the uniquely named characters and the audience enjoyed the fun look at a 3rd-grade playground. This play does a great job in being fun and entertaining, while still helping to teach a valuable lesson.

    I had the pleasure of directing this show with my 8th graders as a part of a Night of Theatre at our school. The actors enjoyed playing the uniquely named characters and the audience enjoyed the fun look at a 3rd-grade playground. This play does a great job in being fun and entertaining, while still helping to teach a valuable lesson.

  • Rachael Carnes: KiKi Pineapple Starring In: "Saving the World!"

    What joy! Martin's boundless imagination is matched by wit and heart. There's just so much to love in this play's wonderful world. I wish we could see this play in every grade school in America.

    What joy! Martin's boundless imagination is matched by wit and heart. There's just so much to love in this play's wonderful world. I wish we could see this play in every grade school in America.

  • Mike Sockol: KiKi Pineapple Starring In: "Saving the World!"

    Delightful. The idea that friendship itself is an act of heroism is a timeless and timely concept. The entire play feels natural and welcoming, a beautiful tribute to the power of youthful imagination and forgiveness to save the world, no matter how large you wish it to be. Martin's play offers lessons for children of all ages, including those "children" with children themselves.

    Delightful. The idea that friendship itself is an act of heroism is a timeless and timely concept. The entire play feels natural and welcoming, a beautiful tribute to the power of youthful imagination and forgiveness to save the world, no matter how large you wish it to be. Martin's play offers lessons for children of all ages, including those "children" with children themselves.

  • Lee R. Lawing: KiKi Pineapple Starring In: "Saving the World!"

    This play is piece of literary magic and shows so much skill at luring the reader and audience into its web where you’re happy to be stuck!! This is one that should be seen in every elementary school out there. But I would also love to see adults playing these beautifully crafted characters because it’s a play for the young and old. Thanks for inspiring me to be a better person to help save the world from the Jumbo Trolls!

    This play is piece of literary magic and shows so much skill at luring the reader and audience into its web where you’re happy to be stuck!! This is one that should be seen in every elementary school out there. But I would also love to see adults playing these beautifully crafted characters because it’s a play for the young and old. Thanks for inspiring me to be a better person to help save the world from the Jumbo Trolls!

  • Emily Hageman: KiKi Pineapple Starring In: "Saving the World!"

    This is the most wonderful, sweet play. Martin has such a big heart and it shines through in every play that he writes. What a perfectly crafted script for elementary kids. Without a doubt, my favorite exchange in the whole play is "Am I weird?" with the prompt answer "Yes." This is a perfect play for elementary kiddos--it allows them to play their age and to tell a meaningful story with a meaningful heart in the center. Just pure joy, so beautiful, and crafted with such love and respect. Thank you for your work, Martin.

    This is the most wonderful, sweet play. Martin has such a big heart and it shines through in every play that he writes. What a perfectly crafted script for elementary kids. Without a doubt, my favorite exchange in the whole play is "Am I weird?" with the prompt answer "Yes." This is a perfect play for elementary kiddos--it allows them to play their age and to tell a meaningful story with a meaningful heart in the center. Just pure joy, so beautiful, and crafted with such love and respect. Thank you for your work, Martin.

  • Scott Haan: KiKi Pineapple Starring In: "Saving the World!"

    Charming, imaginative, fun, hopeful, and lovely. Kids and adults alike will relate to someone in this play, and to the struggle to be accepted when you feel different from everyone else. A wonderful schoolyard tale with stakes, drama, and an important feel-good message. Highly recommended!!!

    Charming, imaginative, fun, hopeful, and lovely. Kids and adults alike will relate to someone in this play, and to the struggle to be accepted when you feel different from everyone else. A wonderful schoolyard tale with stakes, drama, and an important feel-good message. Highly recommended!!!

  • Rachel Bublitz: KiKi Pineapple Starring In: "Saving the World!"

    Quite possibly the most adorable play I've ever read. KIKI PINEAPPLE is an amazing protagonist with the best super powers of all. I'd love to see this play performed at my kids school, even better if my kids were in the play! Lots of joy, and like Claudia said, a killer list of character names. Really well done!

    Quite possibly the most adorable play I've ever read. KIKI PINEAPPLE is an amazing protagonist with the best super powers of all. I'd love to see this play performed at my kids school, even better if my kids were in the play! Lots of joy, and like Claudia said, a killer list of character names. Really well done!

  • Claudia Haas: KiKi Pineapple Starring In: "Saving the World!"

    First: the cast of characters have the best names! This is a play with endless imagination, empathetic and gloriously “weird” characters that will make you want to join their game. The undercurrent of the play is kindness and it is abundant here. Young audiences and young performers will be enchanted.

    First: the cast of characters have the best names! This is a play with endless imagination, empathetic and gloriously “weird” characters that will make you want to join their game. The undercurrent of the play is kindness and it is abundant here. Young audiences and young performers will be enchanted.