Recommendations of The Violet Sisters

  • Greg Burdick: The Violet Sisters

    After a hurricane passes, a home can become lifeless and still: no running water, electricity gone, groceries rotting in the fridge. In Gina Femia’s story, two unforgettable and broken sisters are forced to deal with one another against this nightmarish backdrop. The play charges wildly right out of the gate, and does not relent. And just when you find yourself siding with one of the women, Femia whipsaws you in another direction with beautifully timed revelations. My heart hurt for both of them, and then it swelled and leapt into my mouth at the end. Incredible work.

    After a hurricane passes, a home can become lifeless and still: no running water, electricity gone, groceries rotting in the fridge. In Gina Femia’s story, two unforgettable and broken sisters are forced to deal with one another against this nightmarish backdrop. The play charges wildly right out of the gate, and does not relent. And just when you find yourself siding with one of the women, Femia whipsaws you in another direction with beautifully timed revelations. My heart hurt for both of them, and then it swelled and leapt into my mouth at the end. Incredible work.

  • Julia Izumi: The Violet Sisters

    It is such a wonderful breath of fresh air to have such a strong drama between two incredibly full, complex women. This is not just a beautiful play about sisters, it's a beautiful play about two humans struggling to hold onto all they can.

    It is such a wonderful breath of fresh air to have such a strong drama between two incredibly full, complex women. This is not just a beautiful play about sisters, it's a beautiful play about two humans struggling to hold onto all they can.

  • Nat Cassidy: The Violet Sisters

    Gina Femia is one of our most emotionally in-tune playwrights and this beautiful play is no exception. As powerful a heartstorm as the hurricane which serves as the play's inciting incident.

    Gina Femia is one of our most emotionally in-tune playwrights and this beautiful play is no exception. As powerful a heartstorm as the hurricane which serves as the play's inciting incident.

  • Hannah Vaughn: The Violet Sisters

    This is a beautiful and heartbreaking play. I was captivated from start to finish and was swept up by every secret as it was unpacked and held up to the light. Extremely well done!

    This is a beautiful and heartbreaking play. I was captivated from start to finish and was swept up by every secret as it was unpacked and held up to the light. Extremely well done!

  • Katryna Williams: The Violet Sisters

    I absolutely love this play. The relationship between the sisters is so complex and compelling. Really great stuff.

    I absolutely love this play. The relationship between the sisters is so complex and compelling. Really great stuff.

  • Shaun Leisher: The Violet Sisters

    There are certainly plenty of plays about estranged siblings but most of the time its brothers so it was so refreshing to see one about sisters. Femia brilliantly uses Hurricane Sandy and the death of a parent to frame this real time reunion between two sisters who are forced to face the ways they've betrayed each other with the choices they've made. The play is a total gut punch that will stay with you for a long time.

    There are certainly plenty of plays about estranged siblings but most of the time its brothers so it was so refreshing to see one about sisters. Femia brilliantly uses Hurricane Sandy and the death of a parent to frame this real time reunion between two sisters who are forced to face the ways they've betrayed each other with the choices they've made. The play is a total gut punch that will stay with you for a long time.

  • Rachel Lynett: The Violet Sisters

    This is the kind of play that stays with you long after you read it. It immediately invites you into an incredibly intimate world and presents the chances to connect with two incredibly dynamic women, dynamic sisters. The play expertly explores how we deal with tragedy and the things left unspoken. Absolutely powerful and moving and amazing piece of writing. Even after reading it twice, I still find so much to explore in it. I really do believe this is the kind of play actors dream about; the depth given is refreshing and powerful.

    This is the kind of play that stays with you long after you read it. It immediately invites you into an incredibly intimate world and presents the chances to connect with two incredibly dynamic women, dynamic sisters. The play expertly explores how we deal with tragedy and the things left unspoken. Absolutely powerful and moving and amazing piece of writing. Even after reading it twice, I still find so much to explore in it. I really do believe this is the kind of play actors dream about; the depth given is refreshing and powerful.

  • Matt Barbot: The Violet Sisters

    Had the pleasure of hearing this play while it was being developed. An incredible relationship between sisters who delve deep into the complexities that make two people family. A great piece for two powerhouse women.

    Had the pleasure of hearing this play while it was being developed. An incredible relationship between sisters who delve deep into the complexities that make two people family. A great piece for two powerhouse women.

  • Madison Claus: The Violet Sisters

    This piece is so moving; wonderfully written, it explores so many aspects of what it means to be a sister and what it means to be a human. The play is so immediate, and it's so exciting to read a very contemporary drama with strong, developed women.

    This piece is so moving; wonderfully written, it explores so many aspects of what it means to be a sister and what it means to be a human. The play is so immediate, and it's so exciting to read a very contemporary drama with strong, developed women.

  • Emma Andriatch: The Violet Sisters

    This play is my favorite that I have found on NewPlayExchange so far. The story is incredibly layered, and covers a large range of emotions for both the audience and the characters. This is easily a low budget piece, and a conversation starter for sure. We used a scene from this for a studio class at my University, and it really allowed us to build strong back stories and relationships with such well written and powerful female leads. Thank you for your beautiful words, Gina!

    This play is my favorite that I have found on NewPlayExchange so far. The story is incredibly layered, and covers a large range of emotions for both the audience and the characters. This is easily a low budget piece, and a conversation starter for sure. We used a scene from this for a studio class at my University, and it really allowed us to build strong back stories and relationships with such well written and powerful female leads. Thank you for your beautiful words, Gina!