Recommendations of When We Get Good Again (formerly, Good)

  • Cheryl Bear: When We Get Good Again (formerly, Good)

    How do you make it through a system with so many barriers affecting our integrity as we strive to get the right education, the right jobs and opportunities. Is cheating an alright means to try to level the playing field? Well done.

    How do you make it through a system with so many barriers affecting our integrity as we strive to get the right education, the right jobs and opportunities. Is cheating an alright means to try to level the playing field? Well done.

  • Nick Malakhow: When We Get Good Again (formerly, Good)

    This is a well-crafted, funny piece that successfully explores some excellent moral questions about getting ahead vs. equalizing the playing field in the world of academia. All four characters are credible and sympathetic, and it is fun to see them get to know each other and complicate one another's worldviews over the course of the play. It's a huge credit to McLindon's writing (and, indeed, one of the points of the play, it seems) that I found myself rooting for each character--even the ones I had judged more harshly at the outset. I'd love to see a production.

    This is a well-crafted, funny piece that successfully explores some excellent moral questions about getting ahead vs. equalizing the playing field in the world of academia. All four characters are credible and sympathetic, and it is fun to see them get to know each other and complicate one another's worldviews over the course of the play. It's a huge credit to McLindon's writing (and, indeed, one of the points of the play, it seems) that I found myself rooting for each character--even the ones I had judged more harshly at the outset. I'd love to see a production.

  • John Minigan: When We Get Good Again (formerly, Good)

    McLindon's brilliant craft in When We Get Good Again pulls you in with wit and sharp characterizations and, before you've quite realized it, you're in a complex and compelling world of moral questions. Are we what we do or who we say we are (or will be)? What is the nature of loyalty? Is gaming a system (in hockey or academics) justified when the system itself plays games? Thoroughly engaging, clear, and thoroughly entertaining.

    McLindon's brilliant craft in When We Get Good Again pulls you in with wit and sharp characterizations and, before you've quite realized it, you're in a complex and compelling world of moral questions. Are we what we do or who we say we are (or will be)? What is the nature of loyalty? Is gaming a system (in hockey or academics) justified when the system itself plays games? Thoroughly engaging, clear, and thoroughly entertaining.

  • Donna Hoke: When We Get Good Again (formerly, Good)

    What a fun, nuanced, and touching journey through student academics and the struggle to come out on top with one's morals intact. James has created a quartet of characters to root for as they defy the platitude of "You can be anything you want to be."

    What a fun, nuanced, and touching journey through student academics and the struggle to come out on top with one's morals intact. James has created a quartet of characters to root for as they defy the platitude of "You can be anything you want to be."

  • Aleks Merilo: When We Get Good Again (formerly, Good)

    I saw this play in a workshop at the Landing Theatre in Texas, and just enjoyed rereading it. McLindon's script delves into the moral complexity of the choices 4 characters make in pursuit of university success. One of the treats of this script is the richness of its' unique and affable characters. In fact, I didn't realize how much I truly cared about the characters until they were put into peril. It's a thought provoking play, with some very funny and touching moments. Highly recommended.

    I saw this play in a workshop at the Landing Theatre in Texas, and just enjoyed rereading it. McLindon's script delves into the moral complexity of the choices 4 characters make in pursuit of university success. One of the treats of this script is the richness of its' unique and affable characters. In fact, I didn't realize how much I truly cared about the characters until they were put into peril. It's a thought provoking play, with some very funny and touching moments. Highly recommended.

  • Premiere Stages at Kean University: When We Get Good Again (formerly, Good)

    Premiere Stages, the professional Equity theatre in residence at Kean University, is pleased to recognize “Good” by James McLindon as a semifinalist for the 2018 Premiere Play Festival. “Good” rose through a competitive selection process conducted by Premiere staff and a panel of outside theatre professionals to become one of 22 semifinalists out of 572 submissions. The panel was particularly impressed by its nuanced, often funny dialogue, its exploration of what a "good person" is, and the warm and human look it takes at the struggles of modern college students at elite universities. Our...

    Premiere Stages, the professional Equity theatre in residence at Kean University, is pleased to recognize “Good” by James McLindon as a semifinalist for the 2018 Premiere Play Festival. “Good” rose through a competitive selection process conducted by Premiere staff and a panel of outside theatre professionals to become one of 22 semifinalists out of 572 submissions. The panel was particularly impressed by its nuanced, often funny dialogue, its exploration of what a "good person" is, and the warm and human look it takes at the struggles of modern college students at elite universities. Our congratulations and thanks to James.