Recommendations of a play told in 11 dimensions

  • Robert Alston: M-Theory: a play told in 11 dimensions

    Excellent, gripping science fiction that reinvokes fond memories of mind-bending sci-fi like interstellar. The plot is drip fed in a way that keeps you interested until the end, and leaves you thinking about it well after you are done reading. A gripping tale of grief, heartache, anger and paranoia as the main character reckons with an invader that may just force her to move forward. Incredibly interesting from a directing and design perspective, with sections that will ignite the creativity of any technically oriented reader. Overall very fun read and I'm glad to have experienced it

    Excellent, gripping science fiction that reinvokes fond memories of mind-bending sci-fi like interstellar. The plot is drip fed in a way that keeps you interested until the end, and leaves you thinking about it well after you are done reading. A gripping tale of grief, heartache, anger and paranoia as the main character reckons with an invader that may just force her to move forward. Incredibly interesting from a directing and design perspective, with sections that will ignite the creativity of any technically oriented reader. Overall very fun read and I'm glad to have experienced it

  • Jacob Aune: M-Theory: a play told in 11 dimensions

    M-Theory is a perfect science fiction play about grief and letting go. Jami Brandli does a great job depicting emotion. I loved the ambiguity in this piece. I was grateful for the opportunity to be curious about what is happening in the real world and what is happening in Pauline's head. Very much recommend this play.

    M-Theory is a perfect science fiction play about grief and letting go. Jami Brandli does a great job depicting emotion. I loved the ambiguity in this piece. I was grateful for the opportunity to be curious about what is happening in the real world and what is happening in Pauline's head. Very much recommend this play.

  • Spencer Curtis: M-Theory: a play told in 11 dimensions

    M-Theory is a beautiful story about family and grief. The magical/scientific world Brandli created is an interesting and effected vehicle for this story that enhances the themes without distracting from them. The symbolism might be my favorite part of all; one specific symbol at the end left me with chills.

    M-Theory is a beautiful story about family and grief. The magical/scientific world Brandli created is an interesting and effected vehicle for this story that enhances the themes without distracting from them. The symbolism might be my favorite part of all; one specific symbol at the end left me with chills.

  • Megan Wheelock: M-Theory: a play told in 11 dimensions

    I highly enjoyed this play. M-Theory presents fascinating characters with well thought out backgrounds. Brandli created a well written play that makes you think about the world in a different perspective in the best way possible. I felt more drawn in with every page I read. I would highly recommend this play to anyone who is interested.

    I highly enjoyed this play. M-Theory presents fascinating characters with well thought out backgrounds. Brandli created a well written play that makes you think about the world in a different perspective in the best way possible. I felt more drawn in with every page I read. I would highly recommend this play to anyone who is interested.

  • Shannon Starkloff: M-Theory: a play told in 11 dimensions

    This is such a great play. Not only does it challenge the reader with its ideas, but it also takes us through the journey of three very complex characters. Brandi's storytelling was so personal and raw, which lured me in instantly. While reading, my imagine was running wild and I would love to be apart of the production process for this show. I highly recommend this piece.

    This is such a great play. Not only does it challenge the reader with its ideas, but it also takes us through the journey of three very complex characters. Brandi's storytelling was so personal and raw, which lured me in instantly. While reading, my imagine was running wild and I would love to be apart of the production process for this show. I highly recommend this piece.

  • Jessica Schneider: M-Theory: a play told in 11 dimensions

    This is a brilliant play. Brandli crafted thought-provoking concepts that challenge the reader to open their minds. This play activates the imagination and ignites possibilities of modern theatre. I would love to work on this show some day, just to dive deeper into the lighting aspects.
    Aside from that, Brandli also developed three incredible characters with loads of juicy materials. Any one of these characters could give the actor the role of a lifetime, and I'd love to explore them more.
    Highly recommend to anyone and everyone.

    This is a brilliant play. Brandli crafted thought-provoking concepts that challenge the reader to open their minds. This play activates the imagination and ignites possibilities of modern theatre. I would love to work on this show some day, just to dive deeper into the lighting aspects.
    Aside from that, Brandli also developed three incredible characters with loads of juicy materials. Any one of these characters could give the actor the role of a lifetime, and I'd love to explore them more.
    Highly recommend to anyone and everyone.

  • Jordan Noble: M-Theory: a play told in 11 dimensions

    Brandli creates a surreal setting that constantly puts the audience in mind of the far reaches of our solar system, while playing out a very personal and human story. The repeated interplay of the solar flare (a wonderful offer to lighting designers) with the emotional journey of Pauline takes her struggle to let go beyond the bounds of her hobbling orbit and envelopes the theater. The unsettling mystery of the fate of her daughter pair beautifully with the dreamlike elements of the plot to create a strange but very believable and accessible play.

    Brandli creates a surreal setting that constantly puts the audience in mind of the far reaches of our solar system, while playing out a very personal and human story. The repeated interplay of the solar flare (a wonderful offer to lighting designers) with the emotional journey of Pauline takes her struggle to let go beyond the bounds of her hobbling orbit and envelopes the theater. The unsettling mystery of the fate of her daughter pair beautifully with the dreamlike elements of the plot to create a strange but very believable and accessible play.

  • Kate Busselle: M-Theory: a play told in 11 dimensions

    This play is an absolutely wild ride for three dynamic actors. I appreciate the way that Brandli has chosen to tackle a subject that might be difficult for some to comprehend and a genre that is not often seen on our stages and make it accessible through her compelling story and dynamic relationships. I would love to see this work on stage!

    This play is an absolutely wild ride for three dynamic actors. I appreciate the way that Brandli has chosen to tackle a subject that might be difficult for some to comprehend and a genre that is not often seen on our stages and make it accessible through her compelling story and dynamic relationships. I would love to see this work on stage!

  • Cheryl Bear: M-Theory: a play told in 11 dimensions

    A fascinating journey for answers as reality shifts and mystery beckons. Well done.

    A fascinating journey for answers as reality shifts and mystery beckons. Well done.

  • Playwrights Foundation: M-Theory: a play told in 11 dimensions

    Playwrights Foundation highly recommends M-THEORY: a play told in 11 dimensions, which excelled to the Finalist round (top 35) for the 44th annual Bay Area Playwrights Festival out of 755 plays. Our community of readers felt this play best represented the mission of our festival. This work engaged us, inspired us, moved us, and was an outstanding example of transformative storytelling. Our local Bay Area Literary Council commends M-THEORY as a compelling, relevant, cathartic new work which should be produced now. Congratulations! #BAPF2021

    Playwrights Foundation highly recommends M-THEORY: a play told in 11 dimensions, which excelled to the Finalist round (top 35) for the 44th annual Bay Area Playwrights Festival out of 755 plays. Our community of readers felt this play best represented the mission of our festival. This work engaged us, inspired us, moved us, and was an outstanding example of transformative storytelling. Our local Bay Area Literary Council commends M-THEORY as a compelling, relevant, cathartic new work which should be produced now. Congratulations! #BAPF2021