Recommendations of ELEVATOR GIRL

  • sheila duane: ELEVATOR GIRL

    Elevator Girl is a sharp, engaging play that moves quickly... but is pithy in terms of reflecting just how some people in our culture take honest expressions and turn them into business ventures. I love it and would love to see a production of it.
    The characters are real and multi-dimensional, and the story rings true.

    Elevator Girl is a sharp, engaging play that moves quickly... but is pithy in terms of reflecting just how some people in our culture take honest expressions and turn them into business ventures. I love it and would love to see a production of it.
    The characters are real and multi-dimensional, and the story rings true.

  • Bridget Erin: ELEVATOR GIRL

    This play explores the concept of sexual assault in a really original and thought-provoking way.

    This play explores the concept of sexual assault in a really original and thought-provoking way.

  • Doug DeVita: ELEVATOR GIRL

    A heady, fast-moving mix of disturbing, challenging, and fun, Hoke's "Elevator Girl" may very well be the paradigm of the modern well-made play.

    A heady, fast-moving mix of disturbing, challenging, and fun, Hoke's "Elevator Girl" may very well be the paradigm of the modern well-made play.

  • Jean Koppen: ELEVATOR GIRL

    Wow! This play tackles so many issues - sexism, assault, misogyny, relationships, trust - and weaves them seamlessly into an engaging story with well-drawn characters. I especially appreciate the playwright's ability to tackle such a serious subject within a play that has humor and light. From the moment the characters started speaking I could see it on stage. This is fantastic material for production.

    Wow! This play tackles so many issues - sexism, assault, misogyny, relationships, trust - and weaves them seamlessly into an engaging story with well-drawn characters. I especially appreciate the playwright's ability to tackle such a serious subject within a play that has humor and light. From the moment the characters started speaking I could see it on stage. This is fantastic material for production.

  • Asher Wyndham: ELEVATOR GIRL

    Hoke's ELEVATOR GIRL is a remarkable play because it can't be dismissed. It will f-up your evening in a good way. It's a dangerous play because it makes you question assumptions about gender and sex. It will definitely get people arguing after the show. Much of it has the pacing and intensity like a comic book for the stage.
    A scenic and media designer will have a fun time collaborating.

    Hoke's ELEVATOR GIRL is a remarkable play because it can't be dismissed. It will f-up your evening in a good way. It's a dangerous play because it makes you question assumptions about gender and sex. It will definitely get people arguing after the show. Much of it has the pacing and intensity like a comic book for the stage.
    A scenic and media designer will have a fun time collaborating.

  • Stephen Kaplan: ELEVATOR GIRL

    Surprising and unexpected moments throughout starting with a surprising and unexpected approach to the subject matter. Hoke takes on rape culture and sexual objectification through the lens of comic books and superheroes and the resulting piece forces new perspectives and a very necessary reexamination of these important topics.

    Surprising and unexpected moments throughout starting with a surprising and unexpected approach to the subject matter. Hoke takes on rape culture and sexual objectification through the lens of comic books and superheroes and the resulting piece forces new perspectives and a very necessary reexamination of these important topics.

  • Jackie Apodaca: ELEVATOR GIRL

    Donna Hoke is an extraordinarily gifted playwright who comes at her subjects in unexpected ways. We recorded ELEVATOR GIRL at Play4Keeps with three very talented young actors who absolutely killed it. But first they had to talk their way through all the different issues their characters raised for them. Like the big league talent she is, Donna pitches knuckleballs that will have you swinging wildly at your assumptions and thinking long after you've finished this play about all the subtleties and nuances she delivers. We highly recommend it.

    Donna Hoke is an extraordinarily gifted playwright who comes at her subjects in unexpected ways. We recorded ELEVATOR GIRL at Play4Keeps with three very talented young actors who absolutely killed it. But first they had to talk their way through all the different issues their characters raised for them. Like the big league talent she is, Donna pitches knuckleballs that will have you swinging wildly at your assumptions and thinking long after you've finished this play about all the subtleties and nuances she delivers. We highly recommend it.

  • Scott Carter Cooper: ELEVATOR GIRL

    Saw the Vanguard Arts Collective production of Elevator Girl in Chicago. A crisp satire that combines the national epidemic of sexual assault with the national craze for super heroes. This piece not only explores the impact of sexual assault and imagines the different responses between the traditional genders, but will generate a lively discussion among theatre goers long after the final curtain.

    Saw the Vanguard Arts Collective production of Elevator Girl in Chicago. A crisp satire that combines the national epidemic of sexual assault with the national craze for super heroes. This piece not only explores the impact of sexual assault and imagines the different responses between the traditional genders, but will generate a lively discussion among theatre goers long after the final curtain.

  • Sarah King: ELEVATOR GIRL

    I feel like words can't really describe the excellence of this play. You really need to read it to understand. Highly recommend!

    I feel like words can't really describe the excellence of this play. You really need to read it to understand. Highly recommend!

  • L.C. Bernadine: ELEVATOR GIRL

    Got to see this play on the Chicago leg of its journey, and it prompted so many conversations afterwards about fantasies turned upside down and inside out, and about violence and what it poisons. All done in a very non-traditional way by Donna Hoke -- (as sad as it is to say that there even is a "traditional way" to tell the story of violence against women)

    Got to see this play on the Chicago leg of its journey, and it prompted so many conversations afterwards about fantasies turned upside down and inside out, and about violence and what it poisons. All done in a very non-traditional way by Donna Hoke -- (as sad as it is to say that there even is a "traditional way" to tell the story of violence against women)