Recommendations of Apples in Winter

  • Jason Aaron Goldberg: Apples in Winter

    Very proud that OWP published this piece. Solo plays are very difficult because they can easily fall into inactive storytelling. Recounting memories has power, but it is inherently inactive. I love a solo show where the actor is actively doing something. APPLES IN WINTER is the kind of solo show that is active and dramatic, powerful and thought provoking.

    Very proud that OWP published this piece. Solo plays are very difficult because they can easily fall into inactive storytelling. Recounting memories has power, but it is inherently inactive. I love a solo show where the actor is actively doing something. APPLES IN WINTER is the kind of solo show that is active and dramatic, powerful and thought provoking.

  • Johanna Gelbs: Apples in Winter

    This play took me on a suspenseful journey filled with chills a rollercoaster of emotions. The motifs and symbolism that appears holds its power in the form of apples, time, and rituals. A mother who is trying so desperately to remain composed, while holding on to the sense of the normalcy she once knew is both chilling and heart warming. This story of a mother baking her specialty pie for her imprisoned son packs a potent punch.

    This play took me on a suspenseful journey filled with chills a rollercoaster of emotions. The motifs and symbolism that appears holds its power in the form of apples, time, and rituals. A mother who is trying so desperately to remain composed, while holding on to the sense of the normalcy she once knew is both chilling and heart warming. This story of a mother baking her specialty pie for her imprisoned son packs a potent punch.

  • Brian James Polak: Apples in Winter

    I love everything about this play. I admire the structure, layering of metaphor, and the complex struggle of the character. Such a fantastic piece of theater.

    I love everything about this play. I admire the structure, layering of metaphor, and the complex struggle of the character. Such a fantastic piece of theater.

  • Maggie Goscinski: Apples in Winter

    Beautiful and heart breaking. The story of a mother's love outweighs and blinds all else.

    Beautiful and heart breaking. The story of a mother's love outweighs and blinds all else.

  • Tristen Canfield: Apples in Winter

    Deep and delicate and darkly heart breaking, this play should be read and produced as much and as often as possible.

    Deep and delicate and darkly heart breaking, this play should be read and produced as much and as often as possible.

  • Cheryl Bear: Apples in Winter

    A spectacular capture of the all powerful nature of a mother's love that overrides anything he has done. Incredible work.

    A spectacular capture of the all powerful nature of a mother's love that overrides anything he has done. Incredible work.

  • Samantha Marchant: Apples in Winter

    Well done! Such immediacy. I could see and smell that pie even though I was only reading it. The pie is the perfect frame for this heart wrenching, complex story.

    Well done! Such immediacy. I could see and smell that pie even though I was only reading it. The pie is the perfect frame for this heart wrenching, complex story.

  • Claudia Haas: Apples in Winter

    Unfolding in real time, Fawcett’s play is a testament to the power of live theatre. I imagine breathing in the sweet spices of the pie as Miriam recalls her young son’s tenderness. She peels. And as she peels she uncovers her own layers. The juxtaposition of nature, nurture, motherly love and maternal fear bounce off of each other. You are shook.

    Unfolding in real time, Fawcett’s play is a testament to the power of live theatre. I imagine breathing in the sweet spices of the pie as Miriam recalls her young son’s tenderness. She peels. And as she peels she uncovers her own layers. The juxtaposition of nature, nurture, motherly love and maternal fear bounce off of each other. You are shook.

  • Donna Hoke: Apples in Winter

    I had this play on my reading list for a while but I'm now in the early stages of prepping to write a one-woman show so I finally read it. And now I feel completely unworthy to write a one-woman show because I don't feel like I could ever write one as perfect as this one. Everything about it does exactly what it should do and so exquisitely. An amazing piece of work.

    I had this play on my reading list for a while but I'm now in the early stages of prepping to write a one-woman show so I finally read it. And now I feel completely unworthy to write a one-woman show because I don't feel like I could ever write one as perfect as this one. Everything about it does exactly what it should do and so exquisitely. An amazing piece of work.

  • Dave Osmundsen: Apples in Winter

    WOW! What a galvanizing portrait of a mother's complex and conflicting feelings over her son. Miriam is a sympathetic character with a deeply tragic story to tell, and by the end of the play you feel like you have seen multiple shades of her character and her world. The play is also successful in humanizing her son, who has committed a terrible crime. It reminds us that even the worst criminals who commit the most heinous acts come from somewhere (or someone). PLEASE read this necessary and moving play!

    WOW! What a galvanizing portrait of a mother's complex and conflicting feelings over her son. Miriam is a sympathetic character with a deeply tragic story to tell, and by the end of the play you feel like you have seen multiple shades of her character and her world. The play is also successful in humanizing her son, who has committed a terrible crime. It reminds us that even the worst criminals who commit the most heinous acts come from somewhere (or someone). PLEASE read this necessary and moving play!