Recommendations of Ripped

  • Sharai Bohannon: Ripped

    I was lucky enough to attend a reading last week at The Road Theatre and this play is so important! Bublitz manages to start a conversation on rape culture while also shedding light on some of the often overlooked but common symptoms of a society that has normalized rape culture. I also appreciate that the topic is handled with such care while also making certain aspects murky enough so that the audience is left to challenge their own biases. Would LOVE to see this in a season with How I Learned to Drive and scripts of the like.

    I was lucky enough to attend a reading last week at The Road Theatre and this play is so important! Bublitz manages to start a conversation on rape culture while also shedding light on some of the often overlooked but common symptoms of a society that has normalized rape culture. I also appreciate that the topic is handled with such care while also making certain aspects murky enough so that the audience is left to challenge their own biases. Would LOVE to see this in a season with How I Learned to Drive and scripts of the like.

  • Chas Belov: Ripped

    I normally wouldn't bother to recommend a play that already has 25 recs. This play is so potentially frightening for theatres that I have to speak up and say, yes, it is precisely because this play is so frightening that it is so important, so now, and so necessary. Please, please consider this play. Rape is complicated. Memory is complicated. We still need to fight rape. We need to have this discussion. This play advances the discussion and does so sensitively and boldly.

    I normally wouldn't bother to recommend a play that already has 25 recs. This play is so potentially frightening for theatres that I have to speak up and say, yes, it is precisely because this play is so frightening that it is so important, so now, and so necessary. Please, please consider this play. Rape is complicated. Memory is complicated. We still need to fight rape. We need to have this discussion. This play advances the discussion and does so sensitively and boldly.

  • Lisa Sillaway: Ripped

    What appeal to me about this script are two main things (after the solid storyline): the realistic and simple dialogue for these very real characters, and the non-linear nature of the script itself. The organization of the scenes will likely be a challenge for a new director, but I think the script itself is solid enough to ensure it is generally accessible for all theatres. I can see this as a college production or as a community theatre piece and believe it is very timely. Highly recommended.

    What appeal to me about this script are two main things (after the solid storyline): the realistic and simple dialogue for these very real characters, and the non-linear nature of the script itself. The organization of the scenes will likely be a challenge for a new director, but I think the script itself is solid enough to ensure it is generally accessible for all theatres. I can see this as a college production or as a community theatre piece and believe it is very timely. Highly recommended.

  • David Hansen: Ripped

    An important and timely script that haunts the reader/audience member long after the closing image. Bublitz has expertly crafted a #MeToo narrative which robs anyone of the option of rushing too quickly to judgement. Highly recommended not only for production but to foster deep discussion on rape culture, communication, empathy, consent, and culpability.

    An important and timely script that haunts the reader/audience member long after the closing image. Bublitz has expertly crafted a #MeToo narrative which robs anyone of the option of rushing too quickly to judgement. Highly recommended not only for production but to foster deep discussion on rape culture, communication, empathy, consent, and culpability.

  • Kenneth Jones: Ripped

    RIPPED is destined to be one of those “did-you-see-the-same-play-I-did?” experiences as it explores the murky reality of a sexual assault on a college campus. Complex characters with complex emotions and motivations — all of it confused by the consumption of alcohol — make for a rich 90-minute rollercoaster that will likely have audience members of different genders and generations debating and discussing who is culpable, and to what degree. A beautifully calibrated new American play that reflects the sad reality of violence against women in the U.S. Miraculously, this harrowing drama has...

    RIPPED is destined to be one of those “did-you-see-the-same-play-I-did?” experiences as it explores the murky reality of a sexual assault on a college campus. Complex characters with complex emotions and motivations — all of it confused by the consumption of alcohol — make for a rich 90-minute rollercoaster that will likely have audience members of different genders and generations debating and discussing who is culpable, and to what degree. A beautifully calibrated new American play that reflects the sad reality of violence against women in the U.S. Miraculously, this harrowing drama has flecks of quirk, heart and humor.

  • Sarah King: Ripped

    This is such a fantastic play in that it tackles a serious subject matter realistically while also having comedy sprinkled throughout that adds lightness to the overall dark tone while also adding to the characters' depth. Highly recommend!

    This is such a fantastic play in that it tackles a serious subject matter realistically while also having comedy sprinkled throughout that adds lightness to the overall dark tone while also adding to the characters' depth. Highly recommend!

  • Jessi Pitts: Ripped

    Every second of this play provides new information, and creates a masterfully crafted study on how messy, difficult, and confusing these matters can be. It's heartbreaking to watch Lucy experience mistakes of her own doing and mistakes that are out of her hands. A thoughtful piece on rape culture that left me squirming with discomfort; which I have a feeling is exactly what is intended

    Every second of this play provides new information, and creates a masterfully crafted study on how messy, difficult, and confusing these matters can be. It's heartbreaking to watch Lucy experience mistakes of her own doing and mistakes that are out of her hands. A thoughtful piece on rape culture that left me squirming with discomfort; which I have a feeling is exactly what is intended

  • Nick Malakhow: Ripped

    I just loved how this was structured. Up until the very end, we're discovering new information that adds layer upon layer to the characters and circumstances! Loved the use of the dress and its condition as a way of telling time and making sense of the chronology. The hazy and irregular transitions in time echo the irregularity of Lucy piecing together the events. All in all, a really thoughtful and complex exploration of an extraordinarily difficult topic.

    I just loved how this was structured. Up until the very end, we're discovering new information that adds layer upon layer to the characters and circumstances! Loved the use of the dress and its condition as a way of telling time and making sense of the chronology. The hazy and irregular transitions in time echo the irregularity of Lucy piecing together the events. All in all, a really thoughtful and complex exploration of an extraordinarily difficult topic.

  • Unicorn Theatre: Ripped

    This play was a FINALIST for the 2017-2018 In-Progress New Play Reading Series at Unicorn Theatre in Kansas City, Missouri. It is our pleasure to support RIPPED.

    This play was a FINALIST for the 2017-2018 In-Progress New Play Reading Series at Unicorn Theatre in Kansas City, Missouri. It is our pleasure to support RIPPED.

  • Ryan Han: Ripped

    Getting through this play was a challenging but utterly rewarding task. No easy choice was made in the writing of this script. No preconceived notion I possess on the issue of consent or assault was left unchallenged or uninvestigated. This topic invites doom and gloom, but Rachel's brilliance invokes just enough humor and levity to get the audience through while in no way undercutting the seriousness of the script's subject matter. Ripped is an impeccable investigation of one of today's most urgent issues, and I cannot recommend it highly enough.

    Getting through this play was a challenging but utterly rewarding task. No easy choice was made in the writing of this script. No preconceived notion I possess on the issue of consent or assault was left unchallenged or uninvestigated. This topic invites doom and gloom, but Rachel's brilliance invokes just enough humor and levity to get the audience through while in no way undercutting the seriousness of the script's subject matter. Ripped is an impeccable investigation of one of today's most urgent issues, and I cannot recommend it highly enough.