Recommendations of /ärt/

  • Andrea Aptecker: /ärt/

    I love the witty, biting dialogue between two women with discerning tastes who are ready to come to fisticuffs over a 3rd grade art competition. It’s so much fun! Who knew the cutthroat world of grammar school art competition was so fierce? This absurdist comedy feels a little bit like real life.

    I love the witty, biting dialogue between two women with discerning tastes who are ready to come to fisticuffs over a 3rd grade art competition. It’s so much fun! Who knew the cutthroat world of grammar school art competition was so fierce? This absurdist comedy feels a little bit like real life.

  • Michael Moss: /ärt/

    Hilarious absurdist comedy that stands the normal order on its head. Grownups act like children, children act like grownups, art takes a hammering and the joke is on us.

    With sharp satirical dialogue from eccentric yet realistic main characters. This is a show that entertains while making us question the way society often values competition over collaboration.

    Hilarious absurdist comedy that stands the normal order on its head. Grownups act like children, children act like grownups, art takes a hammering and the joke is on us.

    With sharp satirical dialogue from eccentric yet realistic main characters. This is a show that entertains while making us question the way society often values competition over collaboration.

  • Karen Fix Curry: /ärt/

    You know what it takes to judge an art show? Well these judges take their task to a new and ridiculously funny level. This is comedy at it’s laugh out loud best. Read it. Produce it. You’ll be glad you did.

    You know what it takes to judge an art show? Well these judges take their task to a new and ridiculously funny level. This is comedy at it’s laugh out loud best. Read it. Produce it. You’ll be glad you did.

  • Gretchen Suarez-Pena: /ärt/

    Delightful! Funny, as it is poignant. A farcical view of adult perspectives brought down to earth by the innocence of children and the sensibilities of one grounded character. A lot can be learned from this piece, given our climate of always picking sides and canceling one another. Let's be friends instead.

    Delightful! Funny, as it is poignant. A farcical view of adult perspectives brought down to earth by the innocence of children and the sensibilities of one grounded character. A lot can be learned from this piece, given our climate of always picking sides and canceling one another. Let's be friends instead.

  • Toby Malone: /ärt/

    A riot of a short play that cranks up the drama and the stakes for judging an art contest where the concept of taste and personal preference are brought under scrutiny, only to realize that the people involved with creating the art aren't really all that concerned. A lovely little salve to remind us about how we might just chill out a little bit when expressing our opinions on art. But not in this recommendation! Read on and enjoy.

    A riot of a short play that cranks up the drama and the stakes for judging an art contest where the concept of taste and personal preference are brought under scrutiny, only to realize that the people involved with creating the art aren't really all that concerned. A lovely little salve to remind us about how we might just chill out a little bit when expressing our opinions on art. But not in this recommendation! Read on and enjoy.

  • Thomas Piccin: /ärt/

    /art/ by Steven G. Martin is a very fun play that I think actors, directors, and designers would all love to get their hands on. It invites us to rethink those things we take too seriously and consider what we may be missing out on as a result. When I read it the second time, I imagined child actors playing the adult roles and adult actors playing the child roles. A piece to make you laugh and think.

    /art/ by Steven G. Martin is a very fun play that I think actors, directors, and designers would all love to get their hands on. It invites us to rethink those things we take too seriously and consider what we may be missing out on as a result. When I read it the second time, I imagined child actors playing the adult roles and adult actors playing the child roles. A piece to make you laugh and think.

  • John Mabey: /ärt/

    Steven is such a skilled writer that you find yourself identifying with each character for different reasons, all while laughing. This play is a great tale about how some of the best lessons are learned young, and often forgotten as we age. Definitely a festival hit!

    Steven is such a skilled writer that you find yourself identifying with each character for different reasons, all while laughing. This play is a great tale about how some of the best lessons are learned young, and often forgotten as we age. Definitely a festival hit!

  • D. Lee Miller: /ärt/

    A play that is simply made for actors to go to town! This third grade art show is at a tie with the three judges. This comedy has judges judging to the nth degree and children being children. Well-written and ultimately a barrel of laughs, this is a winner!

    A play that is simply made for actors to go to town! This third grade art show is at a tie with the three judges. This comedy has judges judging to the nth degree and children being children. Well-written and ultimately a barrel of laughs, this is a winner!

  • Daniel Prillaman: /ärt/

    The best comedy takes nothing more seriously than itself, so it is difficult to state how much of a treat it is to see two women who take a third grade art contest more seriously than some people take their entire lives. Mmes. Notting and Crull are hilarious and over-the-top in the most glorious of ways, placing our tie-breaker in a situation we would never want to find ourselves in, but take great delight in watching. A positive, non-stop little comedy that will bring down the house, no matter the age of the audience.

    The best comedy takes nothing more seriously than itself, so it is difficult to state how much of a treat it is to see two women who take a third grade art contest more seriously than some people take their entire lives. Mmes. Notting and Crull are hilarious and over-the-top in the most glorious of ways, placing our tie-breaker in a situation we would never want to find ourselves in, but take great delight in watching. A positive, non-stop little comedy that will bring down the house, no matter the age of the audience.

  • Julie Zaffarano: /ärt/

    /art/ by Steven G Martin is a fast paced comedy that pokes fun at the pompous judges of a third grade art competition. I love how the judges get “schooled” by the children. Actors would have a blast playing these characters.

    /art/ by Steven G Martin is a fast paced comedy that pokes fun at the pompous judges of a third grade art competition. I love how the judges get “schooled” by the children. Actors would have a blast playing these characters.