Recommendations of Well-Intentioned White People

  • Cassandra Rose: Well-Intentioned White People

    I loved this play the second I started reading it. Not only does this play give a frank view of liberal racism, but it also centers on queer characters of color, including a trans man! Hooray for intersectionality!

    I loved this play the second I started reading it. Not only does this play give a frank view of liberal racism, but it also centers on queer characters of color, including a trans man! Hooray for intersectionality!

  • Ellen Koivisto: Well-Intentioned White People

    "Protesting is the new brunch for white people." Tenure's the carrot, and well intentioned white people are the stick -- white people wielding white privilege like a sledge-hammer to smash everything around them into a shape they like, usually in the name of racial solidarity. And there's an actual, real live Becky in the piece (though she goes by Mara). This play is taut and tense and funny, frightening at times, somewhat booze-soaked, and really good. Highly recommended!

    "Protesting is the new brunch for white people." Tenure's the carrot, and well intentioned white people are the stick -- white people wielding white privilege like a sledge-hammer to smash everything around them into a shape they like, usually in the name of racial solidarity. And there's an actual, real live Becky in the piece (though she goes by Mara). This play is taut and tense and funny, frightening at times, somewhat booze-soaked, and really good. Highly recommended!

  • Donna Hoke: Well-Intentioned White People

    This play packs a punch--of reality, self-examination, pragmatism, and idealism--in a trio of strong, funny, relatable characters who are able to convey the difficulties of trying to navigate the current climate. I'm thrilled it's getting a world premiere at such a prominent theater and feel confident that's only the beginning. It's wonderful work!

    This play packs a punch--of reality, self-examination, pragmatism, and idealism--in a trio of strong, funny, relatable characters who are able to convey the difficulties of trying to navigate the current climate. I'm thrilled it's getting a world premiere at such a prominent theater and feel confident that's only the beginning. It's wonderful work!

  • Sharai Bohannon: Well-Intentioned White People

    I love this play! As usual Rachel tackles something that's very hard to discuss but in a manner that marries her sense of humor with her honest demeanor. Her words, and ideas, need to produced much more often starting with this script.

    I love this play! As usual Rachel tackles something that's very hard to discuss but in a manner that marries her sense of humor with her honest demeanor. Her words, and ideas, need to produced much more often starting with this script.

  • Emma Andriatch: Well-Intentioned White People

    Rachel, this play was amazing to work on! At The University of the Arts in Philadelphia, we spent a portion of time performing a selected scene from this in a studio class, and the conversations it brought up were exciting and definitely eye-opening. We've even suggested a full production be put up soon! Your dialogue is well written, and your characters are ones to really dive some teeth into. Thank you for your words!!

    Rachel, this play was amazing to work on! At The University of the Arts in Philadelphia, we spent a portion of time performing a selected scene from this in a studio class, and the conversations it brought up were exciting and definitely eye-opening. We've even suggested a full production be put up soon! Your dialogue is well written, and your characters are ones to really dive some teeth into. Thank you for your words!!