Recommendations of Click

  • Samantha Marchant: Click

    Goldfinger's script takes you on a journey from a frat party to a SciFi tech company to a death bed and then a garden - musings on lives ending and how to begin again. I particularly admire the use of monologue and Greek Chorus.

    Goldfinger's script takes you on a journey from a frat party to a SciFi tech company to a death bed and then a garden - musings on lives ending and how to begin again. I particularly admire the use of monologue and Greek Chorus.

  • Cheryl Bear: Click

    A powerful look at rape culture, technology and identity that has us taking stock of the state of the world. Well done.

    A powerful look at rape culture, technology and identity that has us taking stock of the state of the world. Well done.

  • Nick Malakhow: Click

    An awesomely inventive and timely piece that resonates profoundly with today as it imagines a future informed by our present. The central characters are all well-defined, and I appreciate their intersectional richness and the ways their identities clearly influence and impact their decisions, actions, and lives. Goldfinger's exploration of digital footprint, rape culture, activism, and the broad implications of existing in a digitized world is thorough and nuanced. I also appreciated how both theatrical and flexible this piece was--it feels like the kind of piece a production team can clearly...

    An awesomely inventive and timely piece that resonates profoundly with today as it imagines a future informed by our present. The central characters are all well-defined, and I appreciate their intersectional richness and the ways their identities clearly influence and impact their decisions, actions, and lives. Goldfinger's exploration of digital footprint, rape culture, activism, and the broad implications of existing in a digitized world is thorough and nuanced. I also appreciated how both theatrical and flexible this piece was--it feels like the kind of piece a production team can clearly put its stamp on. Great for colleges!

  • Kullen Burnet: Click

    A fast paced, heartbreaking and searing play. "Click" not only speaks to our societies fragmented relationship with technology, rape culture, and gender/identity - but also thrums with a dark humor and surprising tenderness that breaks down the binary code of those heavy topics.

    A fast paced, heartbreaking and searing play. "Click" not only speaks to our societies fragmented relationship with technology, rape culture, and gender/identity - but also thrums with a dark humor and surprising tenderness that breaks down the binary code of those heavy topics.

  • Marjorie Bicknell: Click

    A stunning play about who owns our identities in a world where everything is always public and available online. I highly recommend it.

    A stunning play about who owns our identities in a world where everything is always public and available online. I highly recommend it.

  • Doug DeVita: Click

    JESUS GOD! "Click" will shake you up, toss you around, chew you to pieces, and spit you out, it's that fucking good! Goldfinger's creative use of language, and her darkly funny, spot-on sense of our mania for current technology and where it is taking us makes this a must-read, must-produce work. Stunning.

    JESUS GOD! "Click" will shake you up, toss you around, chew you to pieces, and spit you out, it's that fucking good! Goldfinger's creative use of language, and her darkly funny, spot-on sense of our mania for current technology and where it is taking us makes this a must-read, must-produce work. Stunning.

  • Nikki Brake-Silla: Click

    Click is a daring and gut wrenching piece that is so PRESENT! It deals with difficult subject matter with grace and empathy.

    Click is a daring and gut wrenching piece that is so PRESENT! It deals with difficult subject matter with grace and empathy.

  • Emma Goldman-Sherman: Click

    This beautiful and strange new world we live in is captured in this dark exploration of rape culture, high tech and greed in a flexible cast play with a Greek Chorus - and I love a Greek Chorus! The language is stunning throughout! Although the play moves wonderfully into a fascinating future, I found it incredibly relevant, human and haunting!

    This beautiful and strange new world we live in is captured in this dark exploration of rape culture, high tech and greed in a flexible cast play with a Greek Chorus - and I love a Greek Chorus! The language is stunning throughout! Although the play moves wonderfully into a fascinating future, I found it incredibly relevant, human and haunting!

  • Unicorn Theatre: Click

    This play was a FINALIST for the 2017-2018 In-Progress New Play Reading Series at Unicorn Theatre in Kansas City, Missouri. It is our pleasure to support CLICK.

    This play was a FINALIST for the 2017-2018 In-Progress New Play Reading Series at Unicorn Theatre in Kansas City, Missouri. It is our pleasure to support CLICK.

  • Artemisia, A Chicago Theatre: Click

    Fast, terrifying and furiously funny, CLICK explores a group of college students interconnected by a frat rape that goes viral. Visionary playwright Jacqueline Goldfinger raises haunting questions about consent, technology and identity in this thrilling play featured as one of Artemisia’s Fall Festival 2019 finalists.

    Fast, terrifying and furiously funny, CLICK explores a group of college students interconnected by a frat rape that goes viral. Visionary playwright Jacqueline Goldfinger raises haunting questions about consent, technology and identity in this thrilling play featured as one of Artemisia’s Fall Festival 2019 finalists.