Recommendations of Click

  • Thomas Choinacky: Click

    This play creatively analyzes how technology and public platforms like social media impact individuals' personal stories and histories. "Click" morphs through time in refreshing and surprising ways. I can't wait to see how different artisitc/production teams would stage the 'new technology' and the Greek chorus.

    This play creatively analyzes how technology and public platforms like social media impact individuals' personal stories and histories. "Click" morphs through time in refreshing and surprising ways. I can't wait to see how different artisitc/production teams would stage the 'new technology' and the Greek chorus.

  • Ignition Arts: Click

    A technological take on rape, frat culture, hacking and the pitfalls of having only one identity in this world. Who do we become when we've been compromised and how far will we go to become someone new? A piece that moves at the speed of technology with a wholly new cyber-persepctive on the Greek chorus. Disturbing and timely.

    A technological take on rape, frat culture, hacking and the pitfalls of having only one identity in this world. Who do we become when we've been compromised and how far will we go to become someone new? A piece that moves at the speed of technology with a wholly new cyber-persepctive on the Greek chorus. Disturbing and timely.

  • Jessie Salsbury: Click

    Had the great privilege to see this read at the KC Rep new works. It is masterful how it builds a timeline just far enough into the future while wrapping into current events. The writer is masterful enough to keep it from being preachy - it is a suspenseful story that keeps you on the edge of your seat while causing you to question every bias. The entire audience was captivated, and in the talk-back, we could've discussed it for an hour longer. A must-see.

    Had the great privilege to see this read at the KC Rep new works. It is masterful how it builds a timeline just far enough into the future while wrapping into current events. The writer is masterful enough to keep it from being preachy - it is a suspenseful story that keeps you on the edge of your seat while causing you to question every bias. The entire audience was captivated, and in the talk-back, we could've discussed it for an hour longer. A must-see.

  • Shaun Leisher: Click

    This is the best play I've read that captures the intersection of rape culture and 21st century technology. Its a timeless story that looks at where we are and where we are heading with this new technology that makes it easier and easier to protect predators and silence victims.

    This is the best play I've read that captures the intersection of rape culture and 21st century technology. Its a timeless story that looks at where we are and where we are heading with this new technology that makes it easier and easier to protect predators and silence victims.