Recommendations of An Untitled New Play By Justin Timberlake

  • Zack Peercy: An Untitled New Play By Justin Timberlake

    Thankful to have caught City Theatre's production! Matt Schatz delivers a wonderful musical about striving for a better tomorrow. While this show is so uniquely about theatre, it never alienates the broader audience. Well drawn characters with realistic expectations and flaws. A terrific piece that every weirdly named and over-abbreviated company should be producing!

    Thankful to have caught City Theatre's production! Matt Schatz delivers a wonderful musical about striving for a better tomorrow. While this show is so uniquely about theatre, it never alienates the broader audience. Well drawn characters with realistic expectations and flaws. A terrific piece that every weirdly named and over-abbreviated company should be producing!

  • Maury Zeff: An Untitled New Play By Justin Timberlake

    This play has so many smart/funny/painful things to say about the politics of theater. Every beat brings a new delight. I love that Beth has a stream of jokes that makes the audience laugh, but not her fellow characters. My favorite line: "Turn left at the bronze bust of Lin Manuel Miranda."

    This play has so many smart/funny/painful things to say about the politics of theater. Every beat brings a new delight. I love that Beth has a stream of jokes that makes the audience laugh, but not her fellow characters. My favorite line: "Turn left at the bronze bust of Lin Manuel Miranda."

  • Cheryl Bear: An Untitled New Play By Justin Timberlake

    A hilarious commentary on the political nature of theatre that just hits it all on the head! Well done!

    A hilarious commentary on the political nature of theatre that just hits it all on the head! Well done!

  • Nick Malakhow: An Untitled New Play By Justin Timberlake

    Hilarious, sharp satire and a strong chamber musical (go beyond reading the script and listen to the music demos!). As a playwright, it's hard not to appreciate this incisive and funny look at the woes of new play development, identity and power in the non-profit theater world, and the compromises people make to achieve professional artistic success. That said, I believe that any number of audiences will find this a worthwhile and astute exploration of celebrity and the reasons white, patriarchal hegemony still have a stranglehold on the American theater.

    Hilarious, sharp satire and a strong chamber musical (go beyond reading the script and listen to the music demos!). As a playwright, it's hard not to appreciate this incisive and funny look at the woes of new play development, identity and power in the non-profit theater world, and the compromises people make to achieve professional artistic success. That said, I believe that any number of audiences will find this a worthwhile and astute exploration of celebrity and the reasons white, patriarchal hegemony still have a stranglehold on the American theater.

  • Jonathan Spector: An Untitled New Play By Justin Timberlake

    Is it possible for a play to both utterly delight you and make you cringe in every single moment?

    It turns out the answer is yes. And this is the play. I love it.

    Is it possible for a play to both utterly delight you and make you cringe in every single moment?

    It turns out the answer is yes. And this is the play. I love it.

  • Aviv Gijsbers van Wijk: An Untitled New Play By Justin Timberlake

    "untitled," is a blast. It's heart-felt, it's witty, and it's full of love and satire in a way that feels very genuine. I laughed reading it, and I can only imagine how hearing it with music and the full effects would create a lively, energetic experience. It feels like the rare play that would leave you feeling refreshed and full of laughter, but without rose-colored glasses -- it still asks questions about artistic integrity, fame, hope, and the power and purpose of art, and of theatre.

    "untitled," is a blast. It's heart-felt, it's witty, and it's full of love and satire in a way that feels very genuine. I laughed reading it, and I can only imagine how hearing it with music and the full effects would create a lively, energetic experience. It feels like the rare play that would leave you feeling refreshed and full of laughter, but without rose-colored glasses -- it still asks questions about artistic integrity, fame, hope, and the power and purpose of art, and of theatre.

  • Kitchen Dog Theater: An Untitled New Play By Justin Timberlake

    We are pleased to support this play! It was a Finalist for the 2018 New Works Festival at Kitchen Dog Theater in Dallas, Texas.

    We are pleased to support this play! It was a Finalist for the 2018 New Works Festival at Kitchen Dog Theater in Dallas, Texas.

  • Ryan Dumas: An Untitled New Play By Justin Timberlake

    While it is definitely an "insider baseball" play about the world of literary managers, Matt's play speaks to everyone fighting to do the best work they can, improving both their field and themselves. And it's really, really funny.

    While it is definitely an "insider baseball" play about the world of literary managers, Matt's play speaks to everyone fighting to do the best work they can, improving both their field and themselves. And it's really, really funny.

  • Unicorn Theatre: An Untitled New Play By Justin Timberlake

    This play was a SEMIFINALIST for the 2017-2018 In-Progress New Play Reading Series at Unicorn Theatre in Kansas City, Missouri. It is our pleasure to support AN UNTITLED NEW PLAY BY JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE.

    This play was a SEMIFINALIST for the 2017-2018 In-Progress New Play Reading Series at Unicorn Theatre in Kansas City, Missouri. It is our pleasure to support AN UNTITLED NEW PLAY BY JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE.

  • Joe Correll: An Untitled New Play By Justin Timberlake

    This play was hilarious. Even though it's about the theatre, I think any audience could relate to how crazy business relationships can be. I love the bursting into song (and rap!) This play also says a lot about the relationship of art and business. If you want to be an artist, understanding "business" is also important. I loved it! Tornadoes. Too funny!

    This play was hilarious. Even though it's about the theatre, I think any audience could relate to how crazy business relationships can be. I love the bursting into song (and rap!) This play also says a lot about the relationship of art and business. If you want to be an artist, understanding "business" is also important. I loved it! Tornadoes. Too funny!