Recommendations of PSYCHOPSYCHOTIC, or, everyone at yale is a goddamn sociopath !!!

  • Shaun Leisher: PSYCHOPSYCHOTIC, or, everyone at yale is a goddamn sociopath !!!

    A stunning work of horror and satire. Somebody needs to produce this.

    A stunning work of horror and satire. Somebody needs to produce this.

  • Brynn Hambley: PSYCHOPSYCHOTIC, or, everyone at yale is a goddamn sociopath !!!

    A masterful use of allegory/extended metaphor, pacing, and atmosphere that beautifully calls out colleges for not doing enough to protect their women, femme, and AFAB students. I absolutely adore works that use horror as a tool to unveil the visceral, and yet sometimes invisible, experiences that women and femmes go through, and Psychopsychotic does this very intelligently. I would love to see this staged!

    A masterful use of allegory/extended metaphor, pacing, and atmosphere that beautifully calls out colleges for not doing enough to protect their women, femme, and AFAB students. I absolutely adore works that use horror as a tool to unveil the visceral, and yet sometimes invisible, experiences that women and femmes go through, and Psychopsychotic does this very intelligently. I would love to see this staged!

  • Nick Malakhow: PSYCHOPSYCHOTIC, or, everyone at yale is a goddamn sociopath !!!

    An unsettling, darkly humorous, and razor sharp exploration of college rape culture and the ways schools consistently fail women and femme folk and oftentimes even pit women against one another. The genre-bending mash up of horror, absurdism, and satire serves the story and theme well, putting into stark relief the absolute absurdism of these systematic failings and harms. I'd be excited to see this in production!

    An unsettling, darkly humorous, and razor sharp exploration of college rape culture and the ways schools consistently fail women and femme folk and oftentimes even pit women against one another. The genre-bending mash up of horror, absurdism, and satire serves the story and theme well, putting into stark relief the absolute absurdism of these systematic failings and harms. I'd be excited to see this in production!

  • Cheryl Bear: PSYCHOPSYCHOTIC, or, everyone at yale is a goddamn sociopath !!!

    A necessary and powerful look into the rape culture of college campuses and amplify the voices of women. Excellent work.

    A necessary and powerful look into the rape culture of college campuses and amplify the voices of women. Excellent work.

  • Hannah Meyer: PSYCHOPSYCHOTIC, or, everyone at yale is a goddamn sociopath !!!

    PSYCHOPSYCHOTIC reimagines performative male "woke-ness," seemingly everyday sexual encounters, and rape culture on college campuses into a contemporary myth. Derman's work is equally humorous and absurd as it is haunting and uncanny.

    PSYCHOPSYCHOTIC reimagines performative male "woke-ness," seemingly everyday sexual encounters, and rape culture on college campuses into a contemporary myth. Derman's work is equally humorous and absurd as it is haunting and uncanny.

  • Unicorn Theatre: PSYCHOPSYCHOTIC, or, everyone at yale is a goddamn sociopath !!!

    This play was a FINALIST for the 2017-2018 In-Progress New Play Reading Series at Unicorn Theatre in Kansas City, Missouri. It is our pleasure to support PSYCOPSYCHOTIC, OR, EVERYONE AT YALE IS A GODDAMN SOCIOPATH!!!.

    This play was a FINALIST for the 2017-2018 In-Progress New Play Reading Series at Unicorn Theatre in Kansas City, Missouri. It is our pleasure to support PSYCOPSYCHOTIC, OR, EVERYONE AT YALE IS A GODDAMN SOCIOPATH!!!.

  • Patrick Kvachkoff: PSYCHOPSYCHOTIC, or, everyone at yale is a goddamn sociopath !!!

    Alexa Derman's language is evocative, frightening, and chillingly natural. PSYCHOPSYCHOTIC excels in wrapping day-to-day exchanges in their horrifying subtext. In the same moment, this play's male characters can be both unimaginably vile and still myself and every man I've ever met. Derman weaves beautiful motifs and heartbreaking imagery with mind blowing ease. This play should be put up on every college campus in America.

    Alexa Derman's language is evocative, frightening, and chillingly natural. PSYCHOPSYCHOTIC excels in wrapping day-to-day exchanges in their horrifying subtext. In the same moment, this play's male characters can be both unimaginably vile and still myself and every man I've ever met. Derman weaves beautiful motifs and heartbreaking imagery with mind blowing ease. This play should be put up on every college campus in America.

  • Rory Willats: PSYCHOPSYCHOTIC, or, everyone at yale is a goddamn sociopath !!!

    Alice Birch meets RN Healey.

    Read this play and be better. Make your friends read this play; make them better. Send it to others to read this play and PRODUCE this play; make the world better.

    Hilarious, haunting, real good...

    Alice Birch meets RN Healey.

    Read this play and be better. Make your friends read this play; make them better. Send it to others to read this play and PRODUCE this play; make the world better.

    Hilarious, haunting, real good...

  • Kitchen Dog Theater: PSYCHOPSYCHOTIC, or, everyone at yale is a goddamn sociopath !!!

    We are pleased to support this play! It was a Finalist for the 2018 New Works Festival at Kitchen Dog Theater in Dallas, Texas.

    We are pleased to support this play! It was a Finalist for the 2018 New Works Festival at Kitchen Dog Theater in Dallas, Texas.

  • Robert Lynn: PSYCHOPSYCHOTIC, or, everyone at yale is a goddamn sociopath !!!

    Stark, visceral, brutal. This is a play not easily forgotten.

    Stark, visceral, brutal. This is a play not easily forgotten.