Recommendations of form of a girl unknown

  • Franky D. Gonzalez: form of a girl unknown

    Stunning. You feel so much light radiating even from the darkest moments of this coming-of-age story that dares to frame the pre-teen years in all its awkward, funny, disturbing, and tragic glory. A play asking immense questions through the lens of a child who wants answers. You will see yourself in the narrative, you will see loved ones, and you'll see your own insecurities from childhood--present even now, in some respects--presented before you. This is a play whose humanity demands you watch and never stop watching on this search for answers in the woods. Cannot recommend enough. Read this!

    Stunning. You feel so much light radiating even from the darkest moments of this coming-of-age story that dares to frame the pre-teen years in all its awkward, funny, disturbing, and tragic glory. A play asking immense questions through the lens of a child who wants answers. You will see yourself in the narrative, you will see loved ones, and you'll see your own insecurities from childhood--present even now, in some respects--presented before you. This is a play whose humanity demands you watch and never stop watching on this search for answers in the woods. Cannot recommend enough. Read this!

  • Cassie Stokes-Wylie: form of a girl unknown

    FORM OF A GIRL UNKNOWN was the winner of the David Ross Fetzer Foundation for Emerging Artists 2018 Theatre Grant in partnership with Salt Lake Acting Company. It is a coming of age story that captures the uncertainty, power, mysticism, and magic of a girl's journey to womanhood. Charly's writing is poetic without being precious. Her characters Amali, Finn, and Marina embody nuanced and complex pre-teens. The theatricality of the woods is filled with possibility. The audience that attended our reading was captivated by the story and, afterward, engaged in a long, thoughtful post-play...

    FORM OF A GIRL UNKNOWN was the winner of the David Ross Fetzer Foundation for Emerging Artists 2018 Theatre Grant in partnership with Salt Lake Acting Company. It is a coming of age story that captures the uncertainty, power, mysticism, and magic of a girl's journey to womanhood. Charly's writing is poetic without being precious. Her characters Amali, Finn, and Marina embody nuanced and complex pre-teens. The theatricality of the woods is filled with possibility. The audience that attended our reading was captivated by the story and, afterward, engaged in a long, thoughtful post-play discussion.

  • Jacqueline Goldfinger: form of a girl unknown

    I cannot wait to see this on-stage! Poetic, laugh out loud funny, and completely cringeworthy - everyone who has been a 12-year-old will recognize the painful transformation from child to young adult portrayed here with humor, honesty and heart. Women will have particular moments of recognition, but all audiences will be drawn into the world of the captivating, curious, still-child-almost-not Amali who struggles to navigate one of the most challenging transitions in our lifetimes, and learns that, perhaps, the transition is all there is; it's not the ending, but the journey that matters.

    I cannot wait to see this on-stage! Poetic, laugh out loud funny, and completely cringeworthy - everyone who has been a 12-year-old will recognize the painful transformation from child to young adult portrayed here with humor, honesty and heart. Women will have particular moments of recognition, but all audiences will be drawn into the world of the captivating, curious, still-child-almost-not Amali who struggles to navigate one of the most challenging transitions in our lifetimes, and learns that, perhaps, the transition is all there is; it's not the ending, but the journey that matters.

  • Quinn Xavier Hernandez: form of a girl unknown

    A journey of self-discovery, FORM OF A GIRL UNKNOWN plays on every expectation of the typical bildungsroman story and makes it something of a dream. We, as an audience, are able to immediately connect with Amali and her struggles and curiosities become our own. When she runs off into the woods, we are right there and ready to follow along on our own version of A Midsummer Night’s Dream that helps us accept the fact that there are no answers. We’ll always be looking and maybe, just maybe, that’s okay. #PlaywrightPlug #PlaywrightSpotlight

    A journey of self-discovery, FORM OF A GIRL UNKNOWN plays on every expectation of the typical bildungsroman story and makes it something of a dream. We, as an audience, are able to immediately connect with Amali and her struggles and curiosities become our own. When she runs off into the woods, we are right there and ready to follow along on our own version of A Midsummer Night’s Dream that helps us accept the fact that there are no answers. We’ll always be looking and maybe, just maybe, that’s okay. #PlaywrightPlug #PlaywrightSpotlight

  • Rachel Bublitz: form of a girl unknown

    A beautiful exploration of that awful year/time when we're 12. Amali is a brilliant, complex, and engaging almost teen that is such an honest and well written character. She knows exactly what she wants, and what she's doing, except for when she doesn't. Which is all the time and never. And Simpson pays the same level of care with her other characters, making Amali's relationship with her best friend, Finn, especially wonderful. FORM OF A GIRL UNKNOWN made me hopeful for the stories we tell about women and girls. I want more plays that aren't afraid to mention mensuration!

    A beautiful exploration of that awful year/time when we're 12. Amali is a brilliant, complex, and engaging almost teen that is such an honest and well written character. She knows exactly what she wants, and what she's doing, except for when she doesn't. Which is all the time and never. And Simpson pays the same level of care with her other characters, making Amali's relationship with her best friend, Finn, especially wonderful. FORM OF A GIRL UNKNOWN made me hopeful for the stories we tell about women and girls. I want more plays that aren't afraid to mention mensuration!