Recommendations of EGG IN SPOON

  • Richard Lyons Conlon: EGG IN SPOON

    So disturbing — because it needs to be disturbing. A “simple” multi-generational baby shower starts off in familiar, and absolutely hilarious, territory (Carnes’ dialogue and characters are magnificently funny). But each exchange adds another layer to reveal a dystopian truth that is in many ways already upon us and is horrifying. This play needs to be produced again and again, starting now.

    So disturbing — because it needs to be disturbing. A “simple” multi-generational baby shower starts off in familiar, and absolutely hilarious, territory (Carnes’ dialogue and characters are magnificently funny). But each exchange adds another layer to reveal a dystopian truth that is in many ways already upon us and is horrifying. This play needs to be produced again and again, starting now.

  • Philip Middleton Williams: EGG IN SPOON

    The voices in this short play are powerful and distinct, and Rachael Carnes has proved once again that she can bring them to the fore in ways that are funny, poignant, and sobering all at the same time. I heard it at the 2019 Midwest Dramatists Conference and hope with all my heart it is produced many times for all to see.

    The voices in this short play are powerful and distinct, and Rachael Carnes has proved once again that she can bring them to the fore in ways that are funny, poignant, and sobering all at the same time. I heard it at the 2019 Midwest Dramatists Conference and hope with all my heart it is produced many times for all to see.

  • Lainie Vansant: EGG IN SPOON

    This play is hilarious and heart-wrenching in turn. it hurts my heart to think about the world we're leaving for the next generation, and Carnes captures those worries on a lot of different levels, with both metaphor and frankness, humor and drama, love and sadness. Plus, I saw a reading at the Midwest Dramatists Conference, and the actors were clearly having a ball, so produce the heck out of this little gem!

    This play is hilarious and heart-wrenching in turn. it hurts my heart to think about the world we're leaving for the next generation, and Carnes captures those worries on a lot of different levels, with both metaphor and frankness, humor and drama, love and sadness. Plus, I saw a reading at the Midwest Dramatists Conference, and the actors were clearly having a ball, so produce the heck out of this little gem!

  • John Adams: EGG IN SPOON

    Saw this gem at the 2019 Midwest Dramatists Conference. Four generations of women in a near-term dystopia. Their dialogue is hysterical — in both expected and totally unexpected ways for their roles in the family and society. Once we know the characters, we take a hard (but well-earned) turn to drama, almost horror (certainly horrific). Great work!

    Saw this gem at the 2019 Midwest Dramatists Conference. Four generations of women in a near-term dystopia. Their dialogue is hysterical — in both expected and totally unexpected ways for their roles in the family and society. Once we know the characters, we take a hard (but well-earned) turn to drama, almost horror (certainly horrific). Great work!

  • Dave Osmundsen: EGG IN SPOON

    An incredible play that starts as a warm, funny story of four generations of women that draws the audience in, takes a sharp left turn, and indicts the audience. The dystopian elements are both subtle and disturbing. And it all feels so real and accessible, which makes it even darker. Check this play out!

    An incredible play that starts as a warm, funny story of four generations of women that draws the audience in, takes a sharp left turn, and indicts the audience. The dystopian elements are both subtle and disturbing. And it all feels so real and accessible, which makes it even darker. Check this play out!

  • Scott Sickles: EGG IN SPOON

    A whirlwind turned maelstrom of a conversation between four generations of women, EGG IN SPOON covers a tremendous amount of ground in a very short time. The issues are woven so seamlessly into the conversation, which in itself is incredibly lively and entertaining, the play doesn't even feel political until it gut-punches you with the reality of the world in which these women live. An intricate microcosm about the challenges women face at varying stages of life, past, present, and possibly in the future! Great roles for female-identifying actors and easy to produce.

    A whirlwind turned maelstrom of a conversation between four generations of women, EGG IN SPOON covers a tremendous amount of ground in a very short time. The issues are woven so seamlessly into the conversation, which in itself is incredibly lively and entertaining, the play doesn't even feel political until it gut-punches you with the reality of the world in which these women live. An intricate microcosm about the challenges women face at varying stages of life, past, present, and possibly in the future! Great roles for female-identifying actors and easy to produce.

  • Greg Hovanesian: EGG IN SPOON

    EGG IN SPOON moves from fun and entertaining to absolutely terrifying in the span of minutes. The reader/viewer has the chance to enjoy some wonderful banter between the four women on stage before things suddenly become very dark and scary. Carnes has delivered a play that expertly shows how the erosion of rights that would seem to be universal not only can disappear, but can disappear with a whimper, without anyone seeming to care. In 2018, as we watch and listen to what’s happening to our world, this is an incredibly important and powerful play.

    EGG IN SPOON moves from fun and entertaining to absolutely terrifying in the span of minutes. The reader/viewer has the chance to enjoy some wonderful banter between the four women on stage before things suddenly become very dark and scary. Carnes has delivered a play that expertly shows how the erosion of rights that would seem to be universal not only can disappear, but can disappear with a whimper, without anyone seeming to care. In 2018, as we watch and listen to what’s happening to our world, this is an incredibly important and powerful play.

  • Lee R. Lawing: EGG IN SPOON

    I can see why this play will be performed soon in London and really should be required viewing and reading by every one going through adolescence and those people around them. Such a brilliant piece by Carnes who just continues to impress and amaze me with every play I read. She can have you laughing in one place with such force and then turn around and zing you with the gravity of the situation and neither ever seem forced. I would select this play for inclusion on everyone's reading list as well as viewership!

    I can see why this play will be performed soon in London and really should be required viewing and reading by every one going through adolescence and those people around them. Such a brilliant piece by Carnes who just continues to impress and amaze me with every play I read. She can have you laughing in one place with such force and then turn around and zing you with the gravity of the situation and neither ever seem forced. I would select this play for inclusion on everyone's reading list as well as viewership!

  • Brendan Beseth: EGG IN SPOON

    "Does Jesus masturbate?" That is just one of the funny, jarring lines in this great 10 minute play about a scary and, sadly, very possible future. Carnes here displays a real knack for realistic dialogue. This is a fantastic play for four women of different ages about a topic that is hugely important. I highly recommend it!!

    "Does Jesus masturbate?" That is just one of the funny, jarring lines in this great 10 minute play about a scary and, sadly, very possible future. Carnes here displays a real knack for realistic dialogue. This is a fantastic play for four women of different ages about a topic that is hugely important. I highly recommend it!!

  • Donna Hoke: EGG IN SPOON

    A great showcase for multiple generations--of actresses and issues. This play would be funny if it weren't so dead-on and disturbing. Nah, it will still be really funny. Combining funny with dead-on and disturbing makes for a great play.

    A great showcase for multiple generations--of actresses and issues. This play would be funny if it weren't so dead-on and disturbing. Nah, it will still be really funny. Combining funny with dead-on and disturbing makes for a great play.