Rape nearly averted - or is it? - by sheerest coincidence on the final page, after the two good ol' boys have had their verbal fun with the lone female ornithologist caught in their trap like the eagle whose talons have been ripped off. Rachael Carnes, who so often deals in comic whimsy in her short plays, is deadly serious here. And the atmosphere of isolation and impending doom in northwest Oregon at dusk, miles from the nearest town, only adds to the sense of burgeoning terror she creates.
Rape nearly averted - or is it? - by sheerest coincidence on the final page, after the two good ol' boys have had their verbal fun with the lone female ornithologist caught in their trap like the eagle whose talons have been ripped off. Rachael Carnes, who so often deals in comic whimsy in her short plays, is deadly serious here. And the atmosphere of isolation and impending doom in northwest Oregon at dusk, miles from the nearest town, only adds to the sense of burgeoning terror she creates.