Recommendations of When I Fall in Love, It Will Be..., a 10-minute play

  • James Binz: When I Fall in Love, It Will Be..., a 10-minute play

    2 characters and a park bench has endless variations. This is a very good way to approach the subject and tell a story that is rarely told. Susan Middaugh has captured the moment in time for these 2 wonderful characters and created a dialogue that sings. Pace and movement are terrific and these characters provide a nice opportunity for some senior actors. Brava

    2 characters and a park bench has endless variations. This is a very good way to approach the subject and tell a story that is rarely told. Susan Middaugh has captured the moment in time for these 2 wonderful characters and created a dialogue that sings. Pace and movement are terrific and these characters provide a nice opportunity for some senior actors. Brava

  • Jeffrey James Keyes: When I Fall in Love, It Will Be..., a 10-minute play

    "When I fall in Love, It Will Be..." is painful, heartfelt, and wonderfully human. I instantly connected to Middaugh's characters and was impressed by her well crafted dialogue. This is a moving piece that I would love to see one day. Excellent work.

    "When I fall in Love, It Will Be..." is painful, heartfelt, and wonderfully human. I instantly connected to Middaugh's characters and was impressed by her well crafted dialogue. This is a moving piece that I would love to see one day. Excellent work.

  • Arianna Rose: When I Fall in Love, It Will Be..., a 10-minute play

    Wow! I did not expect this play to be as funny as it is, given the subject matter. Playwright Susan Middaugh has crafted two characters who are deeply relatable, at different points in their journey of acceptance of what has happened to their spouses and how their lives have been upended. I was sorry to see this play end. Wonderful dialogue, great payoff at the end, and a situation you'll be thinking about long after reading "end of play". Read and produce!

    Wow! I did not expect this play to be as funny as it is, given the subject matter. Playwright Susan Middaugh has crafted two characters who are deeply relatable, at different points in their journey of acceptance of what has happened to their spouses and how their lives have been upended. I was sorry to see this play end. Wonderful dialogue, great payoff at the end, and a situation you'll be thinking about long after reading "end of play". Read and produce!

  • Tom Moran: When I Fall in Love, It Will Be..., a 10-minute play

    A quiet, understated, deeply human piece about tackling a particularly painful type of separation and grief. Solidly made and quite affecting.

    A quiet, understated, deeply human piece about tackling a particularly painful type of separation and grief. Solidly made and quite affecting.

  • Denis Meadows: When I Fall in Love, It Will Be..., a 10-minute play

    A very touching play about a difficult subject

    A very touching play about a difficult subject

  • Jacquelyn Floyd-Priskorn: When I Fall in Love, It Will Be..., a 10-minute play

    Oh, this is so sweet and so sad. And definitely not something anyone prepares you for when you put a loved one in memory care. But now that I've read this play, I am certain it happens more often than we'd think. But Ed's care and guidance of Flo through this is so sweet and engaging. There needs to be more plays like this that helps us prepare for the unexpected in a terrifying medical diagnosis.

    Oh, this is so sweet and so sad. And definitely not something anyone prepares you for when you put a loved one in memory care. But now that I've read this play, I am certain it happens more often than we'd think. But Ed's care and guidance of Flo through this is so sweet and engaging. There needs to be more plays like this that helps us prepare for the unexpected in a terrifying medical diagnosis.

  • Debra A. Cole: When I Fall in Love, It Will Be..., a 10-minute play

    Painful and beautiful, this tender short play is a lovely snapshot of love, loss, and change in the world of dementia.

    Painful and beautiful, this tender short play is a lovely snapshot of love, loss, and change in the world of dementia.

  • Marj O'Neill-Butler: When I Fall in Love, It Will Be..., a 10-minute play

    This is a beautiful play about love and loss, and how dementia affects the lives of those still living life. It takes time to reconcile that the people you love have gone into another world. Ed and Flo, dealing with the problems of their spouses, may have found new soul mates.

    This is a beautiful play about love and loss, and how dementia affects the lives of those still living life. It takes time to reconcile that the people you love have gone into another world. Ed and Flo, dealing with the problems of their spouses, may have found new soul mates.

  • Emily Hageman: When I Fall in Love, It Will Be..., a 10-minute play

    I love this play. It takes a part of dementia that you would never think about, and lovingly throws it into the light. These two characters are beautifully developed, and this play is such a lovely read. Take a moment to read it and enjoy!

    I love this play. It takes a part of dementia that you would never think about, and lovingly throws it into the light. These two characters are beautifully developed, and this play is such a lovely read. Take a moment to read it and enjoy!

  • D. Lee Miller: When I Fall in Love, It Will Be..., a 10-minute play

    This is a beautiful and heartbreaking play about the strength of the heart. The characters are immediately recognizable as caregivers and care losers at the fringes of dementia... This chapter of some peoples' lives is hard to bear but Flo, newly heartbroken, is helped by Ed, who has learned to live life in a new way. It is hopeful, well-written and a lovely play.

    This is a beautiful and heartbreaking play about the strength of the heart. The characters are immediately recognizable as caregivers and care losers at the fringes of dementia... This chapter of some peoples' lives is hard to bear but Flo, newly heartbroken, is helped by Ed, who has learned to live life in a new way. It is hopeful, well-written and a lovely play.