I was so taken with this charming play: the conversational sparkles, without one false note, moving breezily from beat to beat. I was particularly intrigued and impressed with how Hoke sets things up that build up and pay off (Matt's insistence on no stopping, Darla's devil-may-care-water-drinking) while making the ramp-up look effortless. I have high hopes for Matt and Darla (and their hypothetical grandkids)!
I was so taken with this charming play: the conversational sparkles, without one false note, moving breezily from beat to beat. I was particularly intrigued and impressed with how Hoke sets things up that build up and pay off (Matt's insistence on no stopping, Darla's devil-may-care-water-drinking) while making the ramp-up look effortless. I have high hopes for Matt and Darla (and their hypothetical grandkids)!