Recommendations of PARTNER OF —

  • Donna Gordon: PARTNER OF —

    This describes the reoccurrence of sexual slavery and incest that went on at Jefferson's estate. It speaks to our current age when men of power consider themselves above the law of decency. No one is above that law, and in the current age Jefferson's portrait has been stained by his private affairs - and that term, as Ms. Carnes so well reveals, is too good for this brutality. I admire the brilliant structure of three generations overlapping.

    This describes the reoccurrence of sexual slavery and incest that went on at Jefferson's estate. It speaks to our current age when men of power consider themselves above the law of decency. No one is above that law, and in the current age Jefferson's portrait has been stained by his private affairs - and that term, as Ms. Carnes so well reveals, is too good for this brutality. I admire the brilliant structure of three generations overlapping.

  • J.Lois Diamond: PARTNER OF —

    Powerful and poetic, this plays captures the horrors Sally Hemings faced in the context of the intimacy of 3 generations of women. Understated and honest. Would love to see this performed.

    Powerful and poetic, this plays captures the horrors Sally Hemings faced in the context of the intimacy of 3 generations of women. Understated and honest. Would love to see this performed.

  • Nick Malakhow: PARTNER OF —

    Set at a meditative and intentional pace, this haunting scene is a ten-minute theatrical poem that is an exquisite example of showing vs. telling. It addresses generational and inherited trauma and, while being specifically grounded in such a potent and well-known historical context, resonates as a universal commentary on the main issues it's concerned with. There's certainly a reason it's been produced several times, and I hope I have the opportunity to see it someday!

    Set at a meditative and intentional pace, this haunting scene is a ten-minute theatrical poem that is an exquisite example of showing vs. telling. It addresses generational and inherited trauma and, while being specifically grounded in such a potent and well-known historical context, resonates as a universal commentary on the main issues it's concerned with. There's certainly a reason it's been produced several times, and I hope I have the opportunity to see it someday!

  • Daniel Ho: PARTNER OF —

    A short but pointed look at the dark side of a founding father. Well written, with interesting use of overlapping dialogue to create an impressionistic scene.

    A short but pointed look at the dark side of a founding father. Well written, with interesting use of overlapping dialogue to create an impressionistic scene.

  • Lainie Vansant: PARTNER OF —

    History is written by the victors, but Carnes takes the opportunity to give a voice to the voiceless in this haunting play. She shares these characters' fight and spirit even through this difficult situation and creates an ambiance of confusion and helplessness that fits what Sally must have felt her whole life. As much as this play shouldn't be relevant today, it still is, so read it, produce it, and share it!

    History is written by the victors, but Carnes takes the opportunity to give a voice to the voiceless in this haunting play. She shares these characters' fight and spirit even through this difficult situation and creates an ambiance of confusion and helplessness that fits what Sally must have felt her whole life. As much as this play shouldn't be relevant today, it still is, so read it, produce it, and share it!

  • Wayne L. Firestone: PARTNER OF —

    Memo to the President (present, past and future): if you think you can bury a crime against a young girl — whether fair or dark skinned - merely because you have power and prestige be aware that there are eyes on your crimes beyond the surveillance cameras. Unforgiving sisters, mothers, grandmothers and others like Rachael Carnes are watching, recording and will ultimately reveal your crime and tell her story. Read this and decide for yourself whether this is a ghost story or a domino dropping toward sweet revenge. Either way, this is a play that matters.

    Memo to the President (present, past and future): if you think you can bury a crime against a young girl — whether fair or dark skinned - merely because you have power and prestige be aware that there are eyes on your crimes beyond the surveillance cameras. Unforgiving sisters, mothers, grandmothers and others like Rachael Carnes are watching, recording and will ultimately reveal your crime and tell her story. Read this and decide for yourself whether this is a ghost story or a domino dropping toward sweet revenge. Either way, this is a play that matters.

  • Becky McLaughlin: PARTNER OF —

    Rachel's play is a poetic dance. The subject matter makes it an important but tough read. She lays out the awful reality of Sally's upcoming life with nuance, allowing the audience to come to the conclusions needed. I wish I could have seen the staging at the OOB festival!

    Rachel's play is a poetic dance. The subject matter makes it an important but tough read. She lays out the awful reality of Sally's upcoming life with nuance, allowing the audience to come to the conclusions needed. I wish I could have seen the staging at the OOB festival!

  • Chris Gacinski: PARTNER OF —

    “Partner Of” is a beautifully composed piece! The characters are deep, the plot is jarring, and the message is powerful. The opening monologue accentuates a poetic eloquence that Carnes carries throughout the piece. The shift between time periods were flawless, which is very difficult to do. Overall, a stunning and strong 10-minute piece. This play also has fantastic roles for women of colour. Fabulous work, Rachael!

    “Partner Of” is a beautifully composed piece! The characters are deep, the plot is jarring, and the message is powerful. The opening monologue accentuates a poetic eloquence that Carnes carries throughout the piece. The shift between time periods were flawless, which is very difficult to do. Overall, a stunning and strong 10-minute piece. This play also has fantastic roles for women of colour. Fabulous work, Rachael!

  • Eytan Deray: PARTNER OF —

    I'm stunned! This is an eerie, crucial, political ten-minute play about a piece of history we don't tend to acknowledge as much. With her vivid, rich stage directions and dialogue, Rachael Carnes thrusts us into the plight Sally Hemmings experienced being made to accompany Thomas Jefferson with ease at the beginning, and then with frightening force. "Partner Of" is necessary theatre.

    I'm stunned! This is an eerie, crucial, political ten-minute play about a piece of history we don't tend to acknowledge as much. With her vivid, rich stage directions and dialogue, Rachael Carnes thrusts us into the plight Sally Hemmings experienced being made to accompany Thomas Jefferson with ease at the beginning, and then with frightening force. "Partner Of" is necessary theatre.

  • Doug DeVita: PARTNER OF —

    Short, but stunningly constructed and filled with rich detail and heartbreaking depth. It haunts for days after reading it, becoming even richer and deeper with time. I'm sorry I missed the recent production at Sam French, but I'm sure I'll be seeing it in another production soon.

    Short, but stunningly constructed and filled with rich detail and heartbreaking depth. It haunts for days after reading it, becoming even richer and deeper with time. I'm sorry I missed the recent production at Sam French, but I'm sure I'll be seeing it in another production soon.