I had the good fortune of listening to this at its first public reading, and I could not more highly recommend it. The deep connection to all of the characters is one of its biggest strengths. There is a sense of urgency, fear, chaos, and at the same time, important interpersonal relationships that knit it all together into an excellent excerise in morality. The monologues are superb, the subject matter is well researched, and it's a damn fine work of art.
I had the good fortune of listening to this at its first public reading, and I could not more highly recommend it. The deep connection to all of the characters is one of its biggest strengths. There is a sense of urgency, fear, chaos, and at the same time, important interpersonal relationships that knit it all together into an excellent excerise in morality. The monologues are superb, the subject matter is well researched, and it's a damn fine work of art.