Recommendations of The Play of Excessive Exposition, Stereotypical Characters, and Cliches

  • Timothy-Talia M. Gadomski: The Play of Excessive Exposition, Stereotypical Characters, and Cliches

    Astonishingly funny! Wow.

    Astonishingly funny! Wow.

  • James Binz: The Play of Excessive Exposition, Stereotypical Characters, and Cliches

    Ha ha. This is a very funny conceit. Radtke keeps it moving and does the regular reveal of important facts in a most entertaining way. 3 hands and away we go! Brava!

    Ha ha. This is a very funny conceit. Radtke keeps it moving and does the regular reveal of important facts in a most entertaining way. 3 hands and away we go! Brava!

  • Anastasia Wild: The Play of Excessive Exposition, Stereotypical Characters, and Cliches

    I couldn't resist this play from the title and the play gives all that it promises and more! I was laughing out loud through thoroughly entertaining exposition and stereotypes, while this fast-paced spoof invites the audience in on all the over-the-top dramatic storytelling.

    I couldn't resist this play from the title and the play gives all that it promises and more! I was laughing out loud through thoroughly entertaining exposition and stereotypes, while this fast-paced spoof invites the audience in on all the over-the-top dramatic storytelling.

  • Michele Clarke: The Play of Excessive Exposition, Stereotypical Characters, and Cliches

    What a deft send-up of really awful plays! Neil Radtke is deliciously droll with this one.

    What a deft send-up of really awful plays! Neil Radtke is deliciously droll with this one.

  • Charles Scott Jones: The Play of Excessive Exposition, Stereotypical Characters, and Cliches

    In THE PLAY OF EXCESSIVE EXPOSITION [. . .], playwright Neil Radtke casts himself in the role of desperate and total hack and excels at hacking his way through this riotous spoof of bad mystery writing like a pirouetting Pirandello. The plot to put Max Laxative into the city’s water supply gets things flowing and it never stops in this show about shows that shows shows.

    In THE PLAY OF EXCESSIVE EXPOSITION [. . .], playwright Neil Radtke casts himself in the role of desperate and total hack and excels at hacking his way through this riotous spoof of bad mystery writing like a pirouetting Pirandello. The plot to put Max Laxative into the city’s water supply gets things flowing and it never stops in this show about shows that shows shows.

  • Jacquelyn Floyd-Priskorn: The Play of Excessive Exposition, Stereotypical Characters, and Cliches

    There are so many laugh out loud moments in this SUPER META play! I love the winks to theatre organizations who may be reading and considering to produce this piece, too. Absolutely brilliant. This is the only way to make exposition entertaining!

    There are so many laugh out loud moments in this SUPER META play! I love the winks to theatre organizations who may be reading and considering to produce this piece, too. Absolutely brilliant. This is the only way to make exposition entertaining!

  • John Busser: The Play of Excessive Exposition, Stereotypical Characters, and Cliches

    This is the kind of play that makes me happy I can write but sad that I didn't write THIS play. With perfectly realized terrible characters, amazingly awful motivations, deliciously stupid exposition and more, Neil Radtke has vomited up a brilliant send-up of all of playwriting's worst tendencies, but without any of the dry heaves. And he does it in such a charming way, you can't help but be entertained. I laughed out loud numerous times during this. Well done, sir.

    This is the kind of play that makes me happy I can write but sad that I didn't write THIS play. With perfectly realized terrible characters, amazingly awful motivations, deliciously stupid exposition and more, Neil Radtke has vomited up a brilliant send-up of all of playwriting's worst tendencies, but without any of the dry heaves. And he does it in such a charming way, you can't help but be entertained. I laughed out loud numerous times during this. Well done, sir.

  • Kim E. Ruyle: The Play of Excessive Exposition, Stereotypical Characters, and Cliches

    This is excessively fun! I can only imagine that Neil Radtke had almost as much fun writing it as the audience will have seeing it. The never-ending stream of laugh lines carries the actors and audience together on a hilarious ride. Highly recommended.

    This is excessively fun! I can only imagine that Neil Radtke had almost as much fun writing it as the audience will have seeing it. The never-ending stream of laugh lines carries the actors and audience together on a hilarious ride. Highly recommended.

  • Morey Norkin: The Play of Excessive Exposition, Stereotypical Characters, and Cliches

    Hilarious! So many cliches including a brilliant, extended breaking of the fourth wall. As someone who is guilty of committing some of the excesses on display here, I can’t stop laughing. Neil Radtke, great job!

    Hilarious! So many cliches including a brilliant, extended breaking of the fourth wall. As someone who is guilty of committing some of the excesses on display here, I can’t stop laughing. Neil Radtke, great job!

  • Paul Donnelly: The Play of Excessive Exposition, Stereotypical Characters, and Cliches

    Hysterical. Absolutely hysterical. This wonderous spoof effectively tackles hackneyed exposition, genre conventions, desperate meta-theatricality, and melodramatic resolutions with compelling aplomb. A witty Star Wars reference is the cherry on this delicious comic sundae!

    Hysterical. Absolutely hysterical. This wonderous spoof effectively tackles hackneyed exposition, genre conventions, desperate meta-theatricality, and melodramatic resolutions with compelling aplomb. A witty Star Wars reference is the cherry on this delicious comic sundae!