Recommendations of The Play of Excessive Exposition, Stereotypical Characters, and Cliches

  • Emma Goldman-Sherman: The Play of Excessive Exposition, Stereotypical Characters, and Cliches

    Does Don Zolidis know about this? I won't tell him, but this is a very funny satire that will keep them laughing and rolling in the aisles! Excessive in all the best ways!

    Does Don Zolidis know about this? I won't tell him, but this is a very funny satire that will keep them laughing and rolling in the aisles! Excessive in all the best ways!

  • Asher Wyndham: The Play of Excessive Exposition, Stereotypical Characters, and Cliches

    One of best worst plays I've read! The digressions, the meta-theatrical element, the accents, the genre mixing, characters dissin' the playwright -- it's all over the place -- like many hodgepodge plays these days. I was more entertained by this than by many 'better' - well-made - ten-minute plays. I wouldn't be surprised if this play is produced at 'bad play' festivals across the country.

    One of best worst plays I've read! The digressions, the meta-theatrical element, the accents, the genre mixing, characters dissin' the playwright -- it's all over the place -- like many hodgepodge plays these days. I was more entertained by this than by many 'better' - well-made - ten-minute plays. I wouldn't be surprised if this play is produced at 'bad play' festivals across the country.

  • Kelly McBurnette-Andronicos: The Play of Excessive Exposition, Stereotypical Characters, and Cliches

    Destined to be a short play festival favorite, Radtke in short order parodies everything from British crime dramas to theatre to playwriting to…a certain action movie. The story ricochets hilariously in every direction. There is so much for the actors to work with in this easy to produce gem. Give this one a read!

    Destined to be a short play festival favorite, Radtke in short order parodies everything from British crime dramas to theatre to playwriting to…a certain action movie. The story ricochets hilariously in every direction. There is so much for the actors to work with in this easy to produce gem. Give this one a read!