I was drawn to this one by the title, and OH MY it did not let me down! What happens to all those Canadian girlfriends created by closeted gay men after those men leave the closet? This short play is smart and funny, and doesn't just rest in the joke of there being a retirement home for these women - it moves on. What can a retired Canadian girlfriend do if she's not interested in spending her life in a retirement home? What if she doesn't like any of the options offered to her? This play is great.
I was drawn to this one by the title, and OH MY it did not let me down! What happens to all those Canadian girlfriends created by closeted gay men after those men leave the closet? This short play is smart and funny, and doesn't just rest in the joke of there being a retirement home for these women - it moves on. What can a retired Canadian girlfriend do if she's not interested in spending her life in a retirement home? What if she doesn't like any of the options offered to her? This play is great.