Recommendations of Predictor

  • Jacquelyn Floyd-Priskorn: Predictor

    Wow. This fast paced, comedically historical play will draw you in with its goofy game show beginning and hold you tight through the intense frustration of feminism and politics of the USA in the 1960s and earlier. But really, this isn't a play about feminism. I see it as a play about logic and great ideas being ignored or scoffed at because they aren't how "we always do things." The subject of this this play is just as important now as when it was being "conceived" in the 60s. This is a must see show!

    Wow. This fast paced, comedically historical play will draw you in with its goofy game show beginning and hold you tight through the intense frustration of feminism and politics of the USA in the 1960s and earlier. But really, this isn't a play about feminism. I see it as a play about logic and great ideas being ignored or scoffed at because they aren't how "we always do things." The subject of this this play is just as important now as when it was being "conceived" in the 60s. This is a must see show!

  • Elizabeth A. M. Keel: Predictor

    What a strong play. I did have to take a lap to calm down and stop seeing waves of red after reading - the historical sexism is STRONG. But it was fascinating to see this moment in time explored. Predictor reaches back to audiences who remember what life was like before home pregnancies were readily available, and out to those who don't really understand the full scope of the literal barriers that stood in pregnant peoples’ way.

    What a strong play. I did have to take a lap to calm down and stop seeing waves of red after reading - the historical sexism is STRONG. But it was fascinating to see this moment in time explored. Predictor reaches back to audiences who remember what life was like before home pregnancies were readily available, and out to those who don't really understand the full scope of the literal barriers that stood in pregnant peoples’ way.

  • Martha Wade Steketee: Predictor

    A kind of historical-romp-as-instruction tale of the development of the first home pregnancy tests. The primary theme is individual control over health and reproduction decisions, and the structure is a kind of vaudevillian fun show. Less “instructional theater for the already invested” like various plays about the founding of AA ... using a deft sense of pacing, dialogue, and theatrical devices like a chorus and a game show. An extended comedic sketch interspersed with dialogue with an important story to tell.

    A kind of historical-romp-as-instruction tale of the development of the first home pregnancy tests. The primary theme is individual control over health and reproduction decisions, and the structure is a kind of vaudevillian fun show. Less “instructional theater for the already invested” like various plays about the founding of AA ... using a deft sense of pacing, dialogue, and theatrical devices like a chorus and a game show. An extended comedic sketch interspersed with dialogue with an important story to tell.

  • Emily Worrell: Predictor

    At once remarkably funny, enlightening, and thought-provoking, Predictor is a do-not-miss show that captures a true story in a way that is interesting, full of life and personality, and fast-paced.

    At once remarkably funny, enlightening, and thought-provoking, Predictor is a do-not-miss show that captures a true story in a way that is interesting, full of life and personality, and fast-paced.

  • Cole Hunter Dzubak: Predictor

    I had the absolute pleasure of seeing this piece performed live at the Phoenix Theatre Cultural Center in Indianapolis this afternoon, and it was an absolute joy. The use of the ensemble surrounding Margaret Crane was so brilliant, the way the world shifted from reality to fantasy was masterfully done, and overall the storytelling was just wonderful. This is a story that needs to be told and I hope everyone gets the chance to see this piece.

    I had the absolute pleasure of seeing this piece performed live at the Phoenix Theatre Cultural Center in Indianapolis this afternoon, and it was an absolute joy. The use of the ensemble surrounding Margaret Crane was so brilliant, the way the world shifted from reality to fantasy was masterfully done, and overall the storytelling was just wonderful. This is a story that needs to be told and I hope everyone gets the chance to see this piece.

  • Angels Theatre Company: Predictor

    ATC 2022-23 Season Production (February)
    Predictor engages us in the magic that lies at the heart of why we attend the theatre. It is important, relatable, daring, and magical. Meg Crane’s story is worthy and relevant; but Jennifer Blackmer’s telling of Meg’s story achieves the magic that only the theatre can truly generate. It's engaging, funny, frustrating, heart-wrenching, and vital. It is a story that follows Meg’s journey, but also provides instruction and hope for our future. It is the best of what the theatre can be.

    ATC 2022-23 Season Production (February)
    Predictor engages us in the magic that lies at the heart of why we attend the theatre. It is important, relatable, daring, and magical. Meg Crane’s story is worthy and relevant; but Jennifer Blackmer’s telling of Meg’s story achieves the magic that only the theatre can truly generate. It's engaging, funny, frustrating, heart-wrenching, and vital. It is a story that follows Meg’s journey, but also provides instruction and hope for our future. It is the best of what the theatre can be.

  • Faith de Savigné: Predictor

    Predictor is an energetic, theatrical play that sets the historical record straight on who invented the home pregnancy test. I am grateful to be made aware of Meg Crane’s story and how she was robbed of her invention. It is humorously told through various game show devices and TV adverts. It is a David and Goliath story where Big Business crushes and wins. The only saving grace is its lovely love story.
    This play brings Meg Crane’s name and struggle back from obscurity.

    Predictor is an energetic, theatrical play that sets the historical record straight on who invented the home pregnancy test. I am grateful to be made aware of Meg Crane’s story and how she was robbed of her invention. It is humorously told through various game show devices and TV adverts. It is a David and Goliath story where Big Business crushes and wins. The only saving grace is its lovely love story.
    This play brings Meg Crane’s name and struggle back from obscurity.

  • Ross Tedford Kendall: Predictor

    A play that utilizes all the gifts and tricks of the theatre to tell a spectacular tale. The playwright brings you into the world with a deft hand, and gives a sympathetic, flawed character who nevertheless pursues her goals with admirable tenacity. I was especially struck on the clever use of the chorus, representing myriad characters from the life of Meg, and easily slipping in and out of time. A fantastic piece that should be produced everywhere!

    A play that utilizes all the gifts and tricks of the theatre to tell a spectacular tale. The playwright brings you into the world with a deft hand, and gives a sympathetic, flawed character who nevertheless pursues her goals with admirable tenacity. I was especially struck on the clever use of the chorus, representing myriad characters from the life of Meg, and easily slipping in and out of time. A fantastic piece that should be produced everywhere!

  • Rachel Luann Strayer: Predictor

    What a gorgeous play! Beautiful, profound, important. Blackmer's style grabs hold from the very first page and never lets go. This is a history that I never knew, a history that deserves to be known. As a proudly feminist playwright, it was thrilling to read a piece that was so unapologetically feminist. The most wonderful and astounding thing is that despite the obstacles, frustration, and absolute injustice experienced by the protagonist of this play, Blackmer still manages to leave us with a sense of hope, joy, and optimism. No matter who ignores us, we can, in fact, change the world.

    What a gorgeous play! Beautiful, profound, important. Blackmer's style grabs hold from the very first page and never lets go. This is a history that I never knew, a history that deserves to be known. As a proudly feminist playwright, it was thrilling to read a piece that was so unapologetically feminist. The most wonderful and astounding thing is that despite the obstacles, frustration, and absolute injustice experienced by the protagonist of this play, Blackmer still manages to leave us with a sense of hope, joy, and optimism. No matter who ignores us, we can, in fact, change the world.

  • National New Play Network: Predictor

    Predictor by Jennifer Blackmer was featured in NNPN's 2019 National Showcase of New Plays.

    Predictor by Jennifer Blackmer was featured in NNPN's 2019 National Showcase of New Plays.