Jennifer Blackmer's PREDICTOR educates without lecturing, is thought-provoking without being heavy-handed, smart without being overbearing, and more than anything else, it's incredibly entertaining. Written with a sure sense of time, place, and theatricality, the central role of Meg Crane is a tour de force for an actress, and all the other roles in the ensemble will provide a field day for the rest of the cast. Insightful, funny, touching, and sharp as a scalpel; oh, how I would love to see this staged!
Jennifer Blackmer's PREDICTOR educates without lecturing, is thought-provoking without being heavy-handed, smart without being overbearing, and more than anything else, it's incredibly entertaining. Written with a sure sense of time, place, and theatricality, the central role of Meg Crane is a tour de force for an actress, and all the other roles in the ensemble will provide a field day for the rest of the cast. Insightful, funny, touching, and sharp as a scalpel; oh, how I would love to see this staged!