Recommendations of Predictor

  • Lainie Vansant: Predictor

    A fascinating story about a historical figure I had never heard of before - I learned a lot reading this, and the theatricality is exciting for the director in me as well!

    A fascinating story about a historical figure I had never heard of before - I learned a lot reading this, and the theatricality is exciting for the director in me as well!

  • L . Jan Eira: Predictor

    Ever take something as trivial as a home pregnancy test and consider all it took to get it to your home from nothing? This play inspired me to consider all the self sacrifice many endured throughout the years to make my life now easy and convenient. Blackmer catapults us into the life of Meg Crane and weaves us through her journey. All along, we learn, we consider, we contemplate and we discover. Theater inspires and Blackmer delivers. I loved reading this play and will most definitely go see it when (not if) it is staged.

    Ever take something as trivial as a home pregnancy test and consider all it took to get it to your home from nothing? This play inspired me to consider all the self sacrifice many endured throughout the years to make my life now easy and convenient. Blackmer catapults us into the life of Meg Crane and weaves us through her journey. All along, we learn, we consider, we contemplate and we discover. Theater inspires and Blackmer delivers. I loved reading this play and will most definitely go see it when (not if) it is staged.

  • Doug DeVita: Predictor

    Jennifer Blackmer's PREDICTOR educates without lecturing, is thought-provoking without being heavy-handed, smart without being overbearing, and more than anything else, it's incredibly entertaining. Written with a sure sense of time, place, and theatricality, the central role of Meg Crane is a tour de force for an actress, and all the other roles in the ensemble will provide a field day for the rest of the cast. Insightful, funny, touching, and sharp as a scalpel; oh, how I would love to see this staged!

    Jennifer Blackmer's PREDICTOR educates without lecturing, is thought-provoking without being heavy-handed, smart without being overbearing, and more than anything else, it's incredibly entertaining. Written with a sure sense of time, place, and theatricality, the central role of Meg Crane is a tour de force for an actress, and all the other roles in the ensemble will provide a field day for the rest of the cast. Insightful, funny, touching, and sharp as a scalpel; oh, how I would love to see this staged!

  • John Bavoso: Predictor

    I love when a play digs into a little-known historical event and teaches me something while entertaining me at the same time. With PREDICTOR, Jennifer Blackmer has provided a masterclass in excavating history while doing it in a way that’s funny, warm, exciting, and highly theatrical. I was riveted from page one and can only imagine how fantastic it will be to see brought to life on stage. Yes, for much of history “Anonymous” was a woman; but Blackmer has done superlative work here to give an overlooked pioneer her due. Read this play now!

    I love when a play digs into a little-known historical event and teaches me something while entertaining me at the same time. With PREDICTOR, Jennifer Blackmer has provided a masterclass in excavating history while doing it in a way that’s funny, warm, exciting, and highly theatrical. I was riveted from page one and can only imagine how fantastic it will be to see brought to life on stage. Yes, for much of history “Anonymous” was a woman; but Blackmer has done superlative work here to give an overlooked pioneer her due. Read this play now!

  • Molly Wagner: Predictor

    This play dives into the story of Meg Crane, and the contributions that she made for women everywhere in a male dominated workplace. It's a wonderful look at the things we women can accomplish when we have faith in our abilities and refuse to let anyone persuade us otherwise.

    This play dives into the story of Meg Crane, and the contributions that she made for women everywhere in a male dominated workplace. It's a wonderful look at the things we women can accomplish when we have faith in our abilities and refuse to let anyone persuade us otherwise.

  • Donna Hoke: Predictor

    Compelling, theatrical, and FUNNY, this play highlights and honors a woman in history who deserves to be known for her contribution!

    Compelling, theatrical, and FUNNY, this play highlights and honors a woman in history who deserves to be known for her contribution!

  • Heather Helinsky: Predictor

    This is a fascinating historical character, and this play brings her front and center to her contribution to history and women's health. This play helps us see her conflict between being a "good girl" in the world of Mad Men advertising, and the struggle to stand up for herself and take credit for her own ideas. The ensemble playing style not only creates the world of 1967, but keeps Meg Crane at the center, and gives her agency as she tells her story. Would love to see audience engagement events created for a production of this play!

    This is a fascinating historical character, and this play brings her front and center to her contribution to history and women's health. This play helps us see her conflict between being a "good girl" in the world of Mad Men advertising, and the struggle to stand up for herself and take credit for her own ideas. The ensemble playing style not only creates the world of 1967, but keeps Meg Crane at the center, and gives her agency as she tells her story. Would love to see audience engagement events created for a production of this play!

  • Nick Malakhow: Predictor

    Highly theatrical, engaging, and sheds a light on a narrative that should be more well known. Meg is a dynamic and persistent protagonist, and it is compelling and heartrending to watch her fight. This play also has a wonderful sense of humor and uses stylistic quirks to evoke place and time. Blackmer also uses thoughtful doubling and chorus work in an impactful way. I think that the readable and flowing story and topics would engage audiences of various ages, and I think teens would be interested and inspired by this play. I hope to see this produced soon!

    Highly theatrical, engaging, and sheds a light on a narrative that should be more well known. Meg is a dynamic and persistent protagonist, and it is compelling and heartrending to watch her fight. This play also has a wonderful sense of humor and uses stylistic quirks to evoke place and time. Blackmer also uses thoughtful doubling and chorus work in an impactful way. I think that the readable and flowing story and topics would engage audiences of various ages, and I think teens would be interested and inspired by this play. I hope to see this produced soon!