Recommendations of That Kind of Boy [a 1-minute play]

  • Scott Sickles: That Kind of Boy [a 1-minute play]

    A surprising and surprisingly lovely ditty about expectation: what we expect from others and what men expect from boys. Try not to smile by the end. It's impossible not to.

    A surprising and surprisingly lovely ditty about expectation: what we expect from others and what men expect from boys. Try not to smile by the end. It's impossible not to.

  • Larry Rinkel: That Kind of Boy [a 1-minute play]

    A delightful little play that in a single minute plays several unexpected twists on audience expectations, none of which I'll analyze because that would spoil the fun.

    A delightful little play that in a single minute plays several unexpected twists on audience expectations, none of which I'll analyze because that would spoil the fun.

  • Steven Hayet: That Kind of Boy [a 1-minute play]

    A wonderfully cute play that will leave audiences with smiles on their faces. That Kind of Boy would be a perfect addition to any one-minute play festival.

    A wonderfully cute play that will leave audiences with smiles on their faces. That Kind of Boy would be a perfect addition to any one-minute play festival.