Recommendations of I Want a Unicorn Frappe!!!

  • Joan Dolf: I Want a Unicorn Frappe!!!

    A Shakespearean like story mixed with fantasy and humor. This trashy girly comedy tops my list for greatest modern comedies. A play you will be hearing much more from over the next decade and a playwright who I believe is going to be doing very big things. Immensely proud to have been the first to produce this wonderful script. Truly a delight for actors and audiences.

    A Shakespearean like story mixed with fantasy and humor. This trashy girly comedy tops my list for greatest modern comedies. A play you will be hearing much more from over the next decade and a playwright who I believe is going to be doing very big things. Immensely proud to have been the first to produce this wonderful script. Truly a delight for actors and audiences.

  • Emma Grace Imes: I Want a Unicorn Frappe!!!

    A tragedy in a comedy that hit too close to home in the best of ways.

    A tragedy in a comedy that hit too close to home in the best of ways.

  • Shaun Leisher: I Want a Unicorn Frappe!!!

    A hysterical look at modern relationships and obsession.

    A hysterical look at modern relationships and obsession.

  • Lia Romeo: I Want a Unicorn Frappe!!!

    Frothy, funny, and full of depressingly insightful commentary about what it means to be a young woman in the 21st century. Catherine has an incredibly unique voice and important things to say.

    Frothy, funny, and full of depressingly insightful commentary about what it means to be a young woman in the 21st century. Catherine has an incredibly unique voice and important things to say.

  • Matthew Weaver: I Want a Unicorn Frappe!!!

    FULL DISCLOSURE: I did have a Unicorn Frappucino when they came out, and I enjoyed it. Weingarten harnesses the limited edition drink for her own unique, hysterical, satirical purposes, with her signature style and voice. It's so funny and pointed, with a jagged dagger for an edge.

    FULL DISCLOSURE: I did have a Unicorn Frappucino when they came out, and I enjoyed it. Weingarten harnesses the limited edition drink for her own unique, hysterical, satirical purposes, with her signature style and voice. It's so funny and pointed, with a jagged dagger for an edge.