After seeing a reading of an early draft, I am floored as I read this updated version! What a beautiful and potent examination of faith, organized religion, how society commodifies women's bodies and virginity, and spaces where folks are able to rebel and ways those spaces are invaded by the oppressor in subtle ways. In lyrical and gorgeously irregular/natural scenes, Rockwell tackles the above themes through powerful and captivating young women. She writes teens so astutely, and always has an eye on her characters' intersectional identities. I hope to see this continually developed and...
After seeing a reading of an early draft, I am floored as I read this updated version! What a beautiful and potent examination of faith, organized religion, how society commodifies women's bodies and virginity, and spaces where folks are able to rebel and ways those spaces are invaded by the oppressor in subtle ways. In lyrical and gorgeously irregular/natural scenes, Rockwell tackles the above themes through powerful and captivating young women. She writes teens so astutely, and always has an eye on her characters' intersectional identities. I hope to see this continually developed and produced soon!