Recommendations of small town icons

  • David Marquette: small town icons

    a very interesting read, i stumbled across this script by chance and was engaged the entire time reading. each character seems absurd but also somehow very realistic, they're fighting their own individual battles and that drives a lot of their interactions. a very heightened world that feels like a dream and a crushing reality at the same time. wish I could see it in person.

    a very interesting read, i stumbled across this script by chance and was engaged the entire time reading. each character seems absurd but also somehow very realistic, they're fighting their own individual battles and that drives a lot of their interactions. a very heightened world that feels like a dream and a crushing reality at the same time. wish I could see it in person.

  • Nick Malakhow: small town icons

    I was not expecting this play to go where it went, and I was absolutely delighted to be along for the ride. S MJ explores small-town life and the social expectations and limitations that come with it with a depth, darkness, and humor that constantly engages. These four young folks are all suffering for various reasons in the muck and mire that is their town, and the way they come together, hurt one another, and orbit around each other is intensely interesting. The slightly heightened world and use of "Our Town"--subverting its nostalgia--is theatrical and compelling.

    I was not expecting this play to go where it went, and I was absolutely delighted to be along for the ride. S MJ explores small-town life and the social expectations and limitations that come with it with a depth, darkness, and humor that constantly engages. These four young folks are all suffering for various reasons in the muck and mire that is their town, and the way they come together, hurt one another, and orbit around each other is intensely interesting. The slightly heightened world and use of "Our Town"--subverting its nostalgia--is theatrical and compelling.

  • Emery Schaffer: small town icons

    This play is delightfully dark. It touches on a profoundly deep level of humanity: each one of these characters carries a palpaple burden that is heart-wrenching, but also extremely compelling. One of my favorite things about it is the kinesthetic manor in which SMJ structures the script. It's truly a wonderful piece.

    This play is delightfully dark. It touches on a profoundly deep level of humanity: each one of these characters carries a palpaple burden that is heart-wrenching, but also extremely compelling. One of my favorite things about it is the kinesthetic manor in which SMJ structures the script. It's truly a wonderful piece.

  • Enid Brain: small town icons

    I was lucky enough to read a draft of this play while it was still in development. SMJ has created here a powerful and contemporary piece of theatre. In typical form, SMJ challenges every theatrical convention (including play formatting) and comes away with a piece of anti-poetry--beautiful in its rage, touching in its perversion, and deeply personal and human. This play should be given a production as soon as possible and whoever is lucky enough to snag the premiere right might very well be able to say that they got in on the ground floor of the next contemporary hit.

    I was lucky enough to read a draft of this play while it was still in development. SMJ has created here a powerful and contemporary piece of theatre. In typical form, SMJ challenges every theatrical convention (including play formatting) and comes away with a piece of anti-poetry--beautiful in its rage, touching in its perversion, and deeply personal and human. This play should be given a production as soon as possible and whoever is lucky enough to snag the premiere right might very well be able to say that they got in on the ground floor of the next contemporary hit.