Recommendations of A Play about David Mamet Writing a Play about Harvey Weinstein

  • Gina Femia: A Play about David Mamet Writing a Play about Harvey Weinstein

    This play is fantastic. I'm so happy it exists. Produce it.

    This play is fantastic. I'm so happy it exists. Produce it.

  • Kari Bentley-Quinn: A Play about David Mamet Writing a Play about Harvey Weinstein

    Holy crap, this play this play THIS PLAY. DO THIS PLAY. The last page filled me with tears and hope and rage and joy - seeing so many women/nb/trans folx I know represented made my heart swell and hurt. I don't have much to add that hasn't already been covered, except that this is necessary, incendiary work.

    Holy crap, this play this play THIS PLAY. DO THIS PLAY. The last page filled me with tears and hope and rage and joy - seeing so many women/nb/trans folx I know represented made my heart swell and hurt. I don't have much to add that hasn't already been covered, except that this is necessary, incendiary work.

  • Emily Krause: A Play about David Mamet Writing a Play about Harvey Weinstein

    mathilde is doing the serious work with this play. so much has been said in the other reviews, so i will just join the chorus chanting "produce this play" and chanting the names of the female/trans/nonbinary artists who deserve the space and time and investment that keeps being given to, ahem, others.

    if we won't hold ourselves and our peers accountable, who will?

    mathilde is doing the serious work with this play. so much has been said in the other reviews, so i will just join the chorus chanting "produce this play" and chanting the names of the female/trans/nonbinary artists who deserve the space and time and investment that keeps being given to, ahem, others.

    if we won't hold ourselves and our peers accountable, who will?

  • Jacqueline Bircher: A Play about David Mamet Writing a Play about Harvey Weinstein

    This play is utterly singular in its boldness, cleverness, and willingness to engage with the darkest undersides of theater and playwriting. It is audacious and hilarious and BRAVE, tackling big questions with a laser-focused brilliance, yet providing no easy answers. This is a play that everyone needs to see right now.

    This play is utterly singular in its boldness, cleverness, and willingness to engage with the darkest undersides of theater and playwriting. It is audacious and hilarious and BRAVE, tackling big questions with a laser-focused brilliance, yet providing no easy answers. This is a play that everyone needs to see right now.

  • Shaun Leisher: A Play about David Mamet Writing a Play about Harvey Weinstein

    In so many of my recommendations I urge people to produce the plays I champion but never have those words been more urgent than with this play. This is what theatre is meant to do. It's the mirror that reflects problems but not just in society at large but in our "liberal" theatre industry. Samuel French might never produce this but someone will because I have to believe there are those out there who will respond to the call of this play to make space for new narratives on our stages and be willing to confront the BS.

    In so many of my recommendations I urge people to produce the plays I champion but never have those words been more urgent than with this play. This is what theatre is meant to do. It's the mirror that reflects problems but not just in society at large but in our "liberal" theatre industry. Samuel French might never produce this but someone will because I have to believe there are those out there who will respond to the call of this play to make space for new narratives on our stages and be willing to confront the BS.

  • Alex Kulak: A Play about David Mamet Writing a Play about Harvey Weinstein

    Brilliantly subversive, hilariously thought-provoking, this play doesn't dare let Mamet be it's only victim. A fascinating look at representation in the theatre, the burden of being a playwright, and the place writers like Mamet have in an ever-diversifying theatre world.

    Brilliantly subversive, hilariously thought-provoking, this play doesn't dare let Mamet be it's only victim. A fascinating look at representation in the theatre, the burden of being a playwright, and the place writers like Mamet have in an ever-diversifying theatre world.

  • Stefani Kuo: A Play about David Mamet Writing a Play about Harvey Weinstein

    This is so good. It is so freaking funny, real, on the nose and yet subversive, all-encompassing, yet strikingly specific. If you do theatre, you'd better read this. If you work for a theatre company, you'd better produce this. And if you don't do theatre at all, this play says SO much about the biases in our world, even as we ourselves feel discriminated against.

    I read through this play in one sitting, and didn't even realise because I was so captivated. This is why we do theatre!!

    This is so good. It is so freaking funny, real, on the nose and yet subversive, all-encompassing, yet strikingly specific. If you do theatre, you'd better read this. If you work for a theatre company, you'd better produce this. And if you don't do theatre at all, this play says SO much about the biases in our world, even as we ourselves feel discriminated against.

    I read through this play in one sitting, and didn't even realise because I was so captivated. This is why we do theatre!!

  • John Busser: A Play about David Mamet Writing a Play about Harvey Weinstein

    This play is a punch-in-the-face. Funny, infuriating, and disturbing in a whirlwind mix. Aimed like a gun at some very worthy targets. I'd love to see a production of this play and I know some actors that would kill Mamet or Weinstein to have the chance to do so.

    This play is a punch-in-the-face. Funny, infuriating, and disturbing in a whirlwind mix. Aimed like a gun at some very worthy targets. I'd love to see a production of this play and I know some actors that would kill Mamet or Weinstein to have the chance to do so.

  • David Hansen: A Play about David Mamet Writing a Play about Harvey Weinstein

    Brilliantly aggressive, transgressive, dangerously hilarious, biting, aching, and outrageously spot-on, Dratwa’s play must be produced tomorrow, everywhere.

    Brilliantly aggressive, transgressive, dangerously hilarious, biting, aching, and outrageously spot-on, Dratwa’s play must be produced tomorrow, everywhere.

  • Rachel Bublitz: A Play about David Mamet Writing a Play about Harvey Weinstein

    "You know, I spent my twenties having sex with boys to be polite. Because it was easier than saying no."

    This line, along with SO many other lines of Dratwa's play knocked me on my ass. This play is hilarious, cutting, fiercely theatrical, tragic, disgusting, disturbing, and so so so much more. It would be a creative feat all around to produce, and I would travel many miles to see it. Please read this play, please produce this play.

    "You know, I spent my twenties having sex with boys to be polite. Because it was easier than saying no."

    This line, along with SO many other lines of Dratwa's play knocked me on my ass. This play is hilarious, cutting, fiercely theatrical, tragic, disgusting, disturbing, and so so so much more. It would be a creative feat all around to produce, and I would travel many miles to see it. Please read this play, please produce this play.